Showing posts with label Philosabella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosabella. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

mind grammar


Life is not a perfect essay.
where every line is filled with bombastic words, perfect grammar and correct use of punctuations.
it might be a retarded essay,
full of weird words, imperfect grammar and incorrect use of punctuations.
sometimes, people just want to know the meaning, 'feel' the story and enjoy reading it,
without having to focus so much on its imperfections.

but no doubt that efforts should be made; 
to write a perfect essay that could be a song to the heart.

p/s: as long as the mistakes are being taken into one's learning process, then making a new mistake is a sign of progress, i believe.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Bukan senang tapi tak susah


Bukan senang nak jadi seorang yang bertanggungjawab,
bila lepas tangan itu lebih mudah dan tak merunsingkan.

Bukan senang juga untuk lepas dari dipersoalkan mengenai tanggungjawab yang diberikan.
Lepas di sini tak bermaksud polos di 'sana'.

Dunia sistematik.
Jika masing-masing pikul dan laku apa yang tertanggung.

Kalau yang rajin ditambah kerja,
Yang malas dibiar saja,
Hidup pemalas tiada prestasi,
Hidup sang rajin tiada motivasi.

Sama gapai apa yang diberi.
Kita ringankan tulang,
Kita kecap gemilang.

P/s: notis untuk diri juga

Monday, January 31, 2011



Sometimes, when one starts counting, it means he cant wait....
but how can he wait for it to end when obviously it hasnt even begun yet?..
p/s: negative energy is so not welcome.


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