Sunday, November 18, 2012



Pain during labor is felt so women would push the baby out as hard and fast as possible.
While due date for assignments is there so procrastinators would 'push' as much as they could during submission.


Im so not in the mood yet.
Trying to do the assignments but got distracted.
Got 2 submissions this week.huhu.
and i would also spend a few days at SP to do buku pengurusan.
And why i got this feeling that they (the admins) would call me again to school for DEC eh. Huhu.
Just so u know.. Imma not coming back on Dec unless for the meeting.
No one would be there at the quarters.
and im not a big fan of driving there nymore. Well, since the borrack cident.

p/s: i guess i just need to get used to certain things.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

common courtesy


You dont go to other person's house and redecorate it ;
no matter how classy your interior design's ideas are.
You don't alter the chef's recipe in his own kitchen ;
no matter how good you are in cooking. 
UNLESS you are being asked or welcomed to do so.

This common courtesy message is brought to you by your common sense.

p/s: just great. with more assignments. im writing more often.

Sunday, November 11, 2012



Last year, today was an awesome date.
But this year,yesterday was an awesome date.
U see. Things change.
For better or for worse.
When yesterday was no better than today, u r losing something there.
Even doom if tomorrow is worse than today.

p/s: let's pray for a better tomorrow.

Saturday, November 10, 2012



10 11 12
Pretty date.

P/s: date and numbers. Nothing memorable unless event happens.
Congratulations to those who get married today! :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

leading leader


i dont know why
but i got this feeling that next year gonna be tougher.
life, work and studies.
but i know HE will always be there, to make it easier.

p/s: ilmu ikhlas itu memang sukar. tapi janganlah di perambil kesempatan atas kebaikan seseorang.
pemimpin yang dihormati adalah mereka yang adil. 
yang tahu beza antara hak dan batil,
pemimpin yang disayangi adalah mereka yang menepati janji,
bukan hanya bermulut manis untuk mengaburi.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Bukan senang tapi tak susah


Bukan senang nak jadi seorang yang bertanggungjawab,
bila lepas tangan itu lebih mudah dan tak merunsingkan.

Bukan senang juga untuk lepas dari dipersoalkan mengenai tanggungjawab yang diberikan.
Lepas di sini tak bermaksud polos di 'sana'.

Dunia sistematik.
Jika masing-masing pikul dan laku apa yang tertanggung.

Kalau yang rajin ditambah kerja,
Yang malas dibiar saja,
Hidup pemalas tiada prestasi,
Hidup sang rajin tiada motivasi.

Sama gapai apa yang diberi.
Kita ringankan tulang,
Kita kecap gemilang.

P/s: notis untuk diri juga


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