Friday, July 27, 2012

Sudah gaharu cendana pula...


Bazli membawa Tira ke kedai emas untuk memilih cincin.

Bazli: awak pilihlah cincin mana yg awak suka.
Tira: kenapa awak suruh saya pilih cincin?
Bazli: orang perempuan ni memang suka tanya soalan yg die dah tahu jawapan kan.

Tiba-tiba aku muncul...
Hi uolszz..memanglah perempuan suka ty soalan yg dah tau jawapan..sebab prmpuan suka kepastian,bukan kesamaran.kbye :D

P/s: it's friday :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3 kecelakaan


Mesti ramai yang dah pernah dengar hadith ni.........

Hadith di bawah yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Hibban dan disahihkan oleh al-Albani di dalam Sahih al-Targhib:

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : صعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المنبر فقال : آمين ، آمين ، آمين ، قيل يا رسول الله إنك صعدت المنبر فقلت : آمين آمين آمين ، قال : أتاني جبريل عليه الصلاة والسلام فقال : من أدرك شهر رمضان فلم يغفر له فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين ، فقال : يا محمد ، ومن أدرك أبويه أو أحدهما فلم يبرهما فمات فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين ، قال : ومن ذُكرتَ عنده فلم يصل عليك فمات فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين

Maksudnya: Daripada Abu Hurairah RA katanya: “Nabi SAW menaiki mimbar, kemudian baginda berkata: amin, amin, amin. Ditanya kepada baginda: “Wahai Rasulullah, tuan menaiki mimbar dan mengucapkan amin, amin, amin?” Baginda SAW menjawab: “Jibril AS datang kepadaku, dan berkata: “Sesiapa yang mendapati Ramadhan, lalu Allah tidak mengampunkan dosanya, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka dan Allah akan menjauhkannya, katakan (wahai Muhammad) amin,” Lalu aku (Nabi SAW) pun menyebut “amin”. Jibril berkata lagi: “Wahai Muhammad, sesiapa yang memiliki dua orang tuanya atau salah seorang mereka, namun dia tidak berbuat baik kepada mereka berdua, dia mati, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka, dan Allah akan menjauhkannya, katalah amin.” Lalu akupun berkata: “Amin”. Berkata Jibril lagi: “Sesiapa yang mendengar namamu disebut, tetapi dia tidak berselawat kepadamu, dia mati, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka, dan Allah akan menjauhkanya, katalah amin.” Lalu akupun menyebut: “Amin.”
Inti patinya:

Didoakan oleh malaikat Jibrail, di aminkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW... :-

1) "Celakalah orang yang mendapati bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah, tetapi tidak memperoleh keampunan."

2) "Celakalah orang yang mendapati ibu bapanya yang telah tua, atau salah satu dari keduanya, tetapi keduanya tidak menyebabkan orang itu masuk surga."
(tidak berbakti kepada ibu bapa, walhal menjaga ibu bapa tua membolehkan dirinya masuk syurga)

3)"Celakalah orang yang apabila namamu (Muhammad SAW) disebutkan, dia tidak bersalawat ke atasmu."

Maka, bayangkanlah betapa mustajabnya doa ini..
*peringatan untuk diri sendiri*

p/s: Semoga aku (dan kita semua) mampu menjalani bulan mulia ini dengan amalan2 terpuji :)..Ameen

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



"Alhamdulillah. Untuk segala rezeki-MU Ya ALLAH"


You once lived in a pretty place..
it was hard to decide whether you liked the place,
or was it the place that made you felt special.
either feeling didnt make you stay there longer.
but changes, major changes of that place,
development, modernization, and urbanization,
definitely made you felt something inside.
p/s:  always for a good reason

Monday, July 23, 2012

keluh kesah mak-mak


"im grateful that i have the opportunity to break my fast with the whole family members 
last weekend :)"


i was in the staffroom, doing my work when i heard the mak2 conversation..

"Jah punyaa anak darjah 6 pun dah naik jerawat dah..bila tanya.. cakap blom..tengok gaya macam dah, tapi tanya dah mimpi blom, blom katanya"

"btollah, kalau perempuan kita tau, dah keluar period, dah cukop umor..laki neh susah.. mana kita tau  die dah mimpi ke blom"

"tuhlah, Jah tanya sebab yela, tengok gaya mcam dah cukop umur, tapi suaranya takde lah ubah lagi. kenalah tau. suruh bapaknya tanya taknak. kita jugak..."

"hmm, apa2 pun nk kena mak jugakkk"...


p/s: cant wait for my next weekend.

Thursday, July 19, 2012



quick updates:

-we had potluck for 3 weeks in a row. from female teachers for female teachers, of
and i brought this for the final theme; breakfast and dessert.

 this was simple, i know. and in case you wonder, this is bread jelly. 
my colleague made one before and i wanted to make it too! :D

-this one fine day, a boy knocked on the door before entering the staffroom.
and he was wearing the big Malaysian flag on his head like a makcik wearing tudung.
and wearing a coat as well.
i was about to scold him for acting like that,
before the other boy came in with the same style, except his 'tudung' was yellow.
tell me about it, i had to hold my laugh.. they were punished..
for being involved in a 'cat fight'.

i was teaching in this one class..
the notorious boy in the class called the other girl "indon!" after he was called as "gila" by her.
so they kept on calling each other that until i scolded both of em.
and i looked at the girl's face.
she was about to cry, i could see that. that name calling really made her sad.
and i could see that they boy was feeling guilty but still no letting his ego down.
so he kept on asking, "fara, fara marah ke?.." ..."fara marah ke..?".
and then he moved near her (after she moved away from him).
I was getting kinda annoyed.
so i told him, "Haris, stopped asking that question. just apologize to her".
and to my surprised, Haris apologized by saying,
"Fara, abang mintak maaf..." (say that like what uve heard in dramas).
motepp ko sebut abang? LoL..memang tak malu lah ini budak!

-2 guys came to our staffroom for air-conditioner maintenance. the middle air-con was not functioning since last year. so when the pak cik opened it, we got the surprised of our life. a huge bundle of a bird nest was in the air-con. @__@ .
I wonder if the egg really hatched or was it cracked..*sigh

-My younger bro stayed with me for a few days at SP this week. My students saw us in the car. hence, the next day, they told (bukan tanya ok, bagitau...) me that they saw my fiance. -__-

p/s: it's friday tomorrow! Alhamdulillah :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

cendol pun sedap kan? hehe


As the Snickers' advertisement proudly says,

"Anda lain macam bila lapar..."

true enough..
cranky, fatigue, and worse...
you feel like eating everything..
everything looks yummy, even Mamee instant noodles -_-
and you start to crave for many things (note: not only food).

so my current craving after cakes, homemade choc chips cookies, lasagne, macaroni cheese, etc...
is this, 

yes, PAVLOVA...
nanti aku buat! insya ALLAH.

p/s: next month apa pulak ko crave kannn.. >__<

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

wordless wednesday


p/s: open burning. choking!

Sunday, July 08, 2012



"Glad ladap went ok (not that boring lah..)"  


Fantasy is fun but we live in reality.
It's not perfect but it doesn't mean it cant be pretty good.
(Ugly Betty)

p/s: Cant wait for next Friday dah..

Monday, July 02, 2012

as simple as making a cuppa tea


Self Reminder: "Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain)"  (Ash-syarh 94:7)


Few Updates:

I watched final EURO Spain vs Italy last night (morning?).
It was the only match that i fully watched (without being sleepy n without my family+ friends around).
and congratz Spain! seriously, they controlled the whole game.
4-0, man! that's a new record for EURO.

and in the staffroom just now,
we all heard loud snores from the male teachers' side.
yeah, talking bout EURO...


and i expected this.
people gave a few comments bout me, painting henna on my nails.
that kinda looks from my students, especially.
who were really curious and asked me with serious tone,
whether my weekend was more than just a weekend.


When people tell you something,
you dont swallow everything that they say,
you filter them..
like tea..
it is just that, if you take everything,
if you trust every single word, 
it would be too much and might be frustrating.
sometimes people just don't mean everything that they say.
both in positive and negative ways.
too much sugar, or too much water gonna make tea no better.

p/s: Tonight, we gonna run a spot check. I would at least, want to hunt 2 handphones.


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