Monday, July 02, 2012

as simple as making a cuppa tea


Self Reminder: "Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain)"  (Ash-syarh 94:7)


Few Updates:

I watched final EURO Spain vs Italy last night (morning?).
It was the only match that i fully watched (without being sleepy n without my family+ friends around).
and congratz Spain! seriously, they controlled the whole game.
4-0, man! that's a new record for EURO.

and in the staffroom just now,
we all heard loud snores from the male teachers' side.
yeah, talking bout EURO...


and i expected this.
people gave a few comments bout me, painting henna on my nails.
that kinda looks from my students, especially.
who were really curious and asked me with serious tone,
whether my weekend was more than just a weekend.


When people tell you something,
you dont swallow everything that they say,
you filter them..
like tea..
it is just that, if you take everything,
if you trust every single word, 
it would be too much and might be frustrating.
sometimes people just don't mean everything that they say.
both in positive and negative ways.
too much sugar, or too much water gonna make tea no better.

p/s: Tonight, we gonna run a spot check. I would at least, want to hunt 2 handphones.

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