Saturday, August 25, 2012

just so


i want to write.. but maybe coz there are lotsa unimportant things to tell, so i gotta postpone it.
will write .. a longer post maybe :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Eid Mubarak! :)




p.s: ALLAH Maha Berkuasa.

Friday, August 17, 2012



Main api, bahaya..
Main hati, lagilah petaka.

Now, listen..
Even if you dont hear anything,
doesnt mean it is not there.
Try to speak,
so the sound could be felt.

p/s: kicking in

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Learn like a baby


"Dear Lord, im thankful and grateful for my MOM, dad and understanding friends"


yesterday was quite a day
and i learnt a lot from yesterday

1.  Mother would do anything, ANYTHING for her children. 
There are some things that we wouldnt and couldnt understand until we become one.

2. Sometimes, you need a plan B. 
but at times, the only plan B that you need is to RELAX.

3. A REAL friend understands you. 
You wouldnt have to ask, you just explain and he/she knows what to say, and what to offer. 
Plus, you wouldnt have to think twice for asking him/her a favor, 
coz you know, you would do the same for your friend. 

4. People (and myself, of course) should stop label-ling people. 
Like, an ustaz to be perfect, a lady to be gentle (not gentel as what my students wrote) or a man to be heroic. First, you only know the person from what uve seen. 
And uve seen little. too little that you couldnt or shouldnt judge people based on that. 
It's good to have positive perceptions on people but remember, people have flaws.

5. People love to talk. that they are NOT only talking with us, in front of us, but also behind us. 
no matter how close you are with someone, apparently, not close enough for one to shut his/her mouth from talking bad about you.  
"pay attention on how they talk about others for it may be the same way they talk about YOU 
when you’re not around" (Quote). 

6. For whatever thing that happens, there is always blessing in disguise. 
IF strong desires followed by earnest du'as and sincere actions, insya ALLAH, HE will ease everything. 

Ramadhan Kareem people.

p.s: the last phase. wow.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012



Every week,
I'm really looking forward to going back home to ipoh.
Break my fast with abah and mak,
and what i want to do the most is, HUG them.
(like seriously, i barely give nor receive any hug from people here.. couldnt just randomly hug people ok..that would be W.E.I.R.D. )

my daily dialogue has always been like this:
MONDAY: "oh man, it is just monday. Friday is sooo far away *monday blues*.."
TUESDAY:  "it feels like monday today."
WEDNESDAY: "hmm, cant wait for Friday"
THURSDAY: "yeay! it's Friday tomorrow!"
FRIDAY: "Alhamdulillah, TGIF!"
SUNDAY: "isnt it Saturday today? what happens to my Saturday?"

and yes, im looking forward to the day that i could finally say,
"YEAYYYY!!! im going back to SP!"

when would that be? lol

*btw, this isnt a ranting. SP is awesome in its own way! cant deny that.
but i just miss my parents..especially in this Ramadhan...huhu*


Talking about sincerity.

nahh.. there's nothing to talk about..
it shouldnt really be discussed but proven and felt inside.


 i miss this, and us, sisters!

p/s: Holy month. Ramadhan it is. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sudah gaharu cendana pula...


Bazli membawa Tira ke kedai emas untuk memilih cincin.

Bazli: awak pilihlah cincin mana yg awak suka.
Tira: kenapa awak suruh saya pilih cincin?
Bazli: orang perempuan ni memang suka tanya soalan yg die dah tahu jawapan kan.

Tiba-tiba aku muncul...
Hi uolszz..memanglah perempuan suka ty soalan yg dah tau jawapan..sebab prmpuan suka kepastian,bukan kesamaran.kbye :D

P/s: it's friday :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

3 kecelakaan


Mesti ramai yang dah pernah dengar hadith ni.........

Hadith di bawah yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Hibban dan disahihkan oleh al-Albani di dalam Sahih al-Targhib:

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : صعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المنبر فقال : آمين ، آمين ، آمين ، قيل يا رسول الله إنك صعدت المنبر فقلت : آمين آمين آمين ، قال : أتاني جبريل عليه الصلاة والسلام فقال : من أدرك شهر رمضان فلم يغفر له فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين ، فقال : يا محمد ، ومن أدرك أبويه أو أحدهما فلم يبرهما فمات فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين ، قال : ومن ذُكرتَ عنده فلم يصل عليك فمات فدخل النار فأبعده الله ، قل : آمين ، فقلت : آمين

Maksudnya: Daripada Abu Hurairah RA katanya: “Nabi SAW menaiki mimbar, kemudian baginda berkata: amin, amin, amin. Ditanya kepada baginda: “Wahai Rasulullah, tuan menaiki mimbar dan mengucapkan amin, amin, amin?” Baginda SAW menjawab: “Jibril AS datang kepadaku, dan berkata: “Sesiapa yang mendapati Ramadhan, lalu Allah tidak mengampunkan dosanya, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka dan Allah akan menjauhkannya, katakan (wahai Muhammad) amin,” Lalu aku (Nabi SAW) pun menyebut “amin”. Jibril berkata lagi: “Wahai Muhammad, sesiapa yang memiliki dua orang tuanya atau salah seorang mereka, namun dia tidak berbuat baik kepada mereka berdua, dia mati, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka, dan Allah akan menjauhkannya, katalah amin.” Lalu akupun berkata: “Amin”. Berkata Jibril lagi: “Sesiapa yang mendengar namamu disebut, tetapi dia tidak berselawat kepadamu, dia mati, dia akan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka, dan Allah akan menjauhkanya, katalah amin.” Lalu akupun menyebut: “Amin.”
Inti patinya:

Didoakan oleh malaikat Jibrail, di aminkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW... :-

1) "Celakalah orang yang mendapati bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah, tetapi tidak memperoleh keampunan."

2) "Celakalah orang yang mendapati ibu bapanya yang telah tua, atau salah satu dari keduanya, tetapi keduanya tidak menyebabkan orang itu masuk surga."
(tidak berbakti kepada ibu bapa, walhal menjaga ibu bapa tua membolehkan dirinya masuk syurga)

3)"Celakalah orang yang apabila namamu (Muhammad SAW) disebutkan, dia tidak bersalawat ke atasmu."

Maka, bayangkanlah betapa mustajabnya doa ini..
*peringatan untuk diri sendiri*

p/s: Semoga aku (dan kita semua) mampu menjalani bulan mulia ini dengan amalan2 terpuji :)..Ameen


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