Sunday, December 25, 2011

baby baby baby, oooooohhh


Looking at pictures when we were babies, makes us realize many things.
One of them is how time flies so fast, that now, you could only say, "oh, how i wish i am still that cute"..haha.
and of course, it makes us more grateful to ALLAH SWT for the years we have been given to grow up, to learn things and to be a person we are now, or a better person, insya ALLAH.
Also, to be thankful to our parents, for all the sacrifices that they have made for us.

So yeah, I have these few pics of us, me and my siblings, when we were babies.
Pick a guess, which of these 5 babies, is a babe? eh? ahaha.

 baby 1

 baby 2

 baby 3

 baby 4

 baby 5

Your guess? :)

p/s:  Guessing is a pretty serious game coz you dont know the correct amount of certainty in it.


namasayadiana- said...

Salam sara,

Comella entri ni!Kita rasa kita kenal no.1, 2 dan 5. Rasanya la. Tapi no.1 memang sangat obvious sebab lain sikit dari orang lain.:)

Thanks sara 4 ur du'a in the previous entry. Ameen. Ameen.

~NuWanDa~ said...

w'salam diana.. :)

ahaha..kenal eh no 1, 2, 5?
apa yg lain num 1 tuh? haha

and diana, yes, kite doakan yg terbaik buat diana. harap diana tenang2 and semua berjalan lancar, insya ALLAH :)

love u!

fsj said...

im so sleepy right now depp, after the meeting and all, but reading this entry, i cant go to bed first, i have to at least drop something, ehheh.

i know which one is the babe!!! do u wanna me to tell? ehehheheh :p

mode: excited!! comilnyeee babies!! nak due bole? ;)

~NuWanDa~ said...

ahaha.. wow, babies really make u fresh ay??! ahaha

u know which on is me? i think u know! haha. but can u guess which one is my 1,2,3 n 4th sibs?

btw, if you put all ur sisters baby pics, i might hv prob in recognizing em all. coz u gals look pretty much the same ok!

n yes, excited kann tgk babies! n kalau nk dua tuh, ko lah kena berusaha sendiri wehhhh....hahahaha :p

fsj said...

haahahhahaahha, yela dh berjumpe ayahne, aku usahekn, hahahaha, :p

bang mir - baby 3
bang su - baby 4
juju - baby 5
bang ni - baby 1

hahahaaaah. ke salah depp? nnt aku taeuk gamba aku mase kecik ko teke :P

~NuWanDa~ said...

aahahah... weh... ko kene usahakan bapaknya dulu, then berusaha bersama -sama k! haha :P

semua salah!!! hahaha..
apa neh deppp..kan pernah bersua muka, xkan satu pun tak betolll uolsss..

ha, sila.. korang muka copy pste wehh.. mmg lagik susah aku nk teka cmneh..ahaha

fsj said...

alamak!!! malu!!! ni rase nak kene cubit ko ni, hahahaha.

muke korang adek beradek pun potostat, aish, naye akak nak teke :p

namasayadiana- said...

Alahai nak join jugak. ada main teka-teki ek.

Ish keSURIAan boleh silap pulak. Meh kita teka pulak ek sara.

baby 1 - juju
baby 3 - basu
baby 4 - bani
baby 5 - bamir

Rasanyalah. kalau silap, semua salah kak su:)

~NuWanDa~ said...


ahahaha..mmg kite pun rasa cmtu, kalau silap, salah kesuriaan! ahahah

ok, at least diana teka 1 betollll...ahahah... baby 1 mmg juju.hahah


wehhh...ahahaha... ko malu kannn... dapat telur ayam?? ahahah :p

mana de fotostat wehhh.. aku rasa sumer muka lain2..haha :p


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