Sunday, January 23, 2011

would you


I really want to write now but i try not to coz it will be something crappy. So I kinda change the plan and here,  a taggg..hehe. So, would you.............
  1. Would you rather be rich or healthy? - Healthy of coz. Easy!..hehe
  2. Would you rather be good looking or rich? - hmmm... rich? As time flies by, people get old but money sometimes gets doubled..=D. But of coz, with money, comes responsibility.
  3. Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence? - super intelligence. it would be cool to be be a genius (of course without looking like a freak) and be able to finish the assignment in just an hour (or less). heaven.. :D
  4. Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds? - ive watched Heroes and both super powers kinda make them either freaks or evil. and most of them dont want their super powers but if i could have it like on/off , i would choose power to read minds. ."you know Sara?"- "which Sara??"- "the gorgeous one who could read minds"   Ok, doesnt it sound awesome??!!..haha.
  5. Would you rather spend the rest of your life without a significant other, or would you rather have a partner who is extremely difficult? - extremely hard question nih. being andartu or being a sad wife? hmm.. i dont wanna be either...screw you last question! I want to be a happy wife (to be) with a good husband (to be). orite must put 'to be' there coz obviously im not married or engage or in a relationship
So just 5 questions. Come on, you could do it! So anyone out there who wants to give your answer, go on with this tag! :)

p/s: Full and today feels like "what happens?-i dont remember" .


sarabella said...

A husband who is...

rich? yes.
healthy? yes.
invisible? ..hmm..i dont think so. hehe.

bosan? meh jawab tag nih gedep, sambil2 tunggu maggi masak. aww..hehe

hafiz CHouJi said...

Wah, blog baru? Blog lama dah tutup eh?

Nak jawab soalan last je.

I'd rather have a difficult partner than spend my entire life alone. It gets lonely when you get older you know . . . Without a partner, you won't get kids. How boring and dull life like that would be.

sarabella said...


ok.caught guilty.haha. yep, blog lama tutup sudehh.

anyway, it's not like im not accepting ur opinion or watsoever. urs is cool as well. but being with someone (or stuck) like probably forever is not a good feeling too. supposedly being a couple is about sharing moments of togetherness and happiness but in this case, all one will be doing is just wondering y she is not happy with someone who supposed to make her happy?

but yeah, being a couple is also about accepting ur partner as he/she is and complementing each other.


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