Saturday, August 13, 2011

job offer- nak takkk???


Ramadhan moment 3 : A trip to Palmerston North, Sakura Festival :)


Plan for tomorrow,
in the morning- go to a jewellery shop and buy myself a ring.
afternoon- wear henna on my finger nails.
night-  put on make up and wear pretty pretty lacy clothes and snap pics.
midnight ... upload the pics on facebook.

ok, this must be a good plan indeed (NOT).

i told my boss that i will get married tomorrow.
well, after she proposed me ............. to be a warden.
because i am young, gorgeous and fabulous  a single lady teacher in the school.
senang kan syarat ko nak jadik warden - bujang cukopppp.. T___T


and lappy pon time2 nih lah nak PMS!

p/s: oh, tarik nafas...hembus..

Friday, August 05, 2011

kelas kauu Jahhh..!


kadang-kadang aku tak larat nak dengar soalan-soalan dari students, especially form 1* nih.

masuk je kelas hari tuh, diorang duk busy-busy ulang sebut banyak2 kali number plat kereta parents aku. masuk periksa? tak...ada kepentingan dalam hidup depa? xde kottt. ganggu kelas? YESSS..

hari tuh seorang student lelaki nih yang mengaku die mulut murai- "cikgu, saya memang mulut murai macam nenek saya"..pfftt. itu satu hal. se hal lagi, die beria- ia masa aku mengajar duk tanya berapa lama aku duduk NZ. Bila aku jawab, dia kata, "hah, lama tuh cikgu tak puasa kannn???..." (hambek ko jahhh...menyesal jawab kannn)

tadi. sorang budak tak reti duduk diam dari kelas yang sama dengan kes kedua tuh.
dia tanya, "cikgu, cikgu puasa ke cikgu??".
aku jawab, "yes, im fasting"
dia tak puas hati, "habis tu kenapa mulut cikgu berminyak??? macam baru lepas makan mee"
hambek ko jahhh..makan mee ko kata (terus aku ngidam kuew teow)..lenkali jangan pakai lipgloss lah senang.

kelas lain.
aktiviti berkumpulan
sedang satu group perempuan nih sibuk2 bincang, datang sorang boy nih cakap something yang membuatkan group girls nih panggil aku.
"teacher, dia ejek kitorang"
"what did u say to her?"
"saya sebut huruf depan nama diorang jer; s, d, a" - jawab budak lelaki tersebut...
kemudian kumpulan perempuan tuh balas...
"memang lah teacher, tapi dia tambah o, k, u kat belakang tuh!!"

right, sesungguhnya aku berpuasa.


 Ramadhan moment2: @ Kayu Manis, Wellington NZ
*D was taking the pic*

p/s: Alhamdulillah. interview SPP dah ada tarikh. perlu berusaha dan berdoa agar semua berjalan lancar dan cemerlang, insya ALLAH.. Ameen. kawan2, doakan yang terbaik juga ya! :)

Monday, August 01, 2011



1st Ramadhan in SP (not as a student anymoreee T_T):

- i just knew that moreh here refers to Iftaar. so when people invite you to moreh, come after Maghrib then.

- attendance has been deteriorating. many students didnt come to school. Some schools had the 1st Ramadhan as a holiday but mine was not. So students were absent because they kinda thought that we had a holiday too. perghhh..and my colleagues mentioned that during Ramadhan, the school will be kinda quiet and peace as many students take their on 'CRK' during Ramadhan..

-i have already heard some firecrackers meletopzzz mannn!.. baru 1 Ramadhan kottt!

- thinking of riding a motorcycle to school, rather than a car. - first, coz i want to save, 2nd, coz i dont really have ample time to warm up the engine. and my car is not parked in the house compound so it wont be safe for me just to warm up the engine and leave it there (an unlocked car with a car key, with an engine ready to be  actually, my school and the house is within a walking distance. but if i walk or ride a motorcycle to school, the car will be under the hot sun and cold mist the entire day and of course for the whole week. at least, if i drive it to school, half day dah bawah atap. we'll see....
- a student asked me, "teacher, teacher tak jadik pindah eh?" i said "yes, havent i told you that?"..and then he answered, "ohhh, sekolah sana bayar gaji tak banyak eh teacher?"... gulingkan mata anda ok (roll your eyes ok).


Ramadhan Moment 1: @ MSD, NZ

p/s: when i was in NZ, i hope that all of us could have iftaar together, as a whole family. but what ive forgotten is the fact that we are all scattered. I almost forgotten the last time we had sahur and iftaar together. :( .. one of the best moments in life i guess.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Kareem


Kilbirnie Mesjid, NZ

 Happy fasting to all my muslim friends. 
May this Ramadhan brings more barakah,
to all of us. Insya-Allah. 
and maaf zahir batin too. 

p/s: Ramadhan... a miraculous month indeed.

Saturday, July 30, 2011



25th july 2011
My student + her mom gave me a bowl of corn pudding.
Share it with my colleagues.
Love the puddings, love the thoughts more!
Thank you D's mommy and D.
                  masuk perut dulu baru snap pic kann.. lol.

28th july 2011
yes, last thursday i did watch the football match between Harimau Malaya and Sang Singa.
through this ..............................

dulu, time kecik2, abang aku selalu kata nih semut lambat g

yes,  i know...awesome right.
never mind, as long as i could follow the match (or drama??)
though it seemed like all the players were wearing polka dots jerseys.
and i need to say this, Khairul Fahmi is freaking ohsom! as goalie goalie one two three!
and of course the opponents would make the hell great actors! woopps..

and during MAS's previous game with Chelsea (aired on Astro, hence i couldnt watch it!), I gave this FB message to my bro.

"waaaaa.... wanna watch Chelsea vs MAS tonighttt.... T___T..  
p.s: mesti rindu dengar kite sokong, wat ulasan time game kannn??? hehe ;p "

and of course he replied, 

"amat tenang sekali menonton perlawnn hebat chelsea vs mas tempoh hari.,begitu juga harimau vs singa esk kerana sudah pasti ketiadaan cen cen cuu cuu ru ru rut.."

sentappp ok.
coz i always scream and perhaps kinda shriek..
but that's how a girl watches football ???

p/s: tired..

Friday, July 29, 2011

hitam kuning


Semalam aku wat kelas tambahan untuk kelas form 3 aku.
so sorang student perempuan nih datang dan ditegur oleh sorang lagi student:
"weh, ko nih Nabilla, tudung coklat, baju biru, kasut purple..macam orang tak betul aku tengok"
lalu dengan nada yang sama dalam tv, Nabilla jawab "akulah Nabilla Lulu!"
lawak ok lawak.

sekarang nih aku dah mula sikit-sikit bawak kereta seorang diri untuk perjalanan 2 jam secara direct tanpa henti.
and kelihatan aku seperti suka memandu laju 110km/hour (ye, laju bagi pemandu amatur macam aku di jalan kampung)
and itu perlu diubah.
orang kampung sini tak reti pasang lampu kat motor.
motor takdak lampu, pakai baju gelap pulak.
nak masuk simpang tak reti bagi signal uols. kau ingat aku leyh paham telepati kau?
kau memang feeling otot besi, urat dawai, tengkorak batu kannn..

p/s: sadis tengok bola semalam..pemain bola semua pakai baju polka dots the rainbow..dalam aku cover-cover jerit, dengar jugak okkk.. time tengok bola memang selalu tertelan microphone.

Sunday, July 24, 2011




-Bought new baju kurung (or baju raya?) and few more new clothes.. had ample time to choose, try and shop. not in a hurry. so I am a happy girl.

-Met with an unexpected fella. bukan main. kat sekolah tak bercakap, malu-malu konon.. dah jumpa macam terpaksa cakap ngan aku pulak. of course kena cakap. nak wat kona u-turn mana kalau dah bumped into each other depan-depan shop..

p/s: hush hush! dont malas malas!


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