Sunday, March 27, 2011



A few of my friends received their paycheck already- like 2 months salary kah? 
i havent received mine but I have a few thoughts on what to do with my first salary.
when my brothers received their first salary, they bought us presents and treated us to dinner.
so i was thinking on doing the same thing. but i need some ideas on what to buy for them..or should i just give them cash?? 

Some thoughts:
for myself : a car?? ewahhh..haha
mom        : comfy shoes. she always told me bout her feet. swollen and sakit. So a pair of comfy shoes it is!
abah        : before this i was thinking about buying abah a bilingual dictionary. but now he does not really into reading. So i need ideas.
bani         : hmmm, baby stuff?? haha. or would it be a bad idea coz i havent heard any 'news' yet. kang kata perli kang susah hakuu..:p
bame      : gadget guy nih peninng ..tak tau nk kasi ape.
basu       : same.. tak tau nak kasi ape yaww
ju           : nih pon sama...huhu

I received a few things from my brothers before, like watch, handbag, perfume, soft toys, t-shirts, blouse and many more. and of course, from my parents- too many and too priceless. So my first salary should be meaningful as it is kinda a symbolic action of appreciating them for all this while and sacrifices that they did!

p/s: since working, my entries revolved around school life.. 


fsj said...

kite? kite mane nye? kite nak gak :p ahahah
kite kasik cash je depp, nak kasik adiah tak tau diorg suke ape, hohoh :p

~NuWanDa~ said...

kite dh kasik altis kat kmu kannnn?? nak ape lagik deppp?? kli nk laki, i surrender dulu lah deppp..haha


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