Monday, January 30, 2012


" I am grateful that my chief warden is not too calculative, strict or fussy bout things."


The thing with lie is,
it isnt one until we find it out.
And once the truth is unravelled,
all the privileges of being trusted....
are gone baby gone.

p/s: i should feel good. i should!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

carefully and gently


We cant just leave a present unopened when everyone wants to know what's inside.
Though sometimes, we simply dont know how to open the present so that the wrapper is not completely torn or damaged.
And at the same time, we dont want to let others waiting, in the state of not knowing and keep on guessing,
...coz these feelings are totally killing us all.

The art of opening a present.

                   from google image

p/s: starting from my next entry, i would start my "count your blessing year" thingy. meaning, for each entry, i would state, at least one thing that i am blessed with (of course there are many). So that, i would be reminded of all the great things that LORD has given me. Insya ALLAH. 

Friday, January 27, 2012



"You see, every one gets some baggage.
It is part of life.

But like anything else,
its easier when someone gives you a hand with it"

                                                  (HIMYM, s05e23)

from google image

p/s: so what's your baggage?



I taught my students a poem, "He Had Such Quiet Eyes". Showed pics of handsome guys with great 'quiet eyes'.. the girls went "awwwwww...jatuh cinta!". and the boys just looking at them with this one "WTH" look.

after the lesson, moral values and everything, i asked if they have any questions.
then a boy raised his hand
and asked, "teacher, teacher ada boyfriend?"...



it just pathetic when you were caught on national radio or tv, red-handed.

so in this *** FM (radio), they aired the 'panggilan hangit'.

so the DJ, called this lady to complain bout a beauty product used by his wife. His wife bought the product from the lady. long story short, wifey's face became worse, with rashes and kinda burnt.

so in the phone call, the husband (DJ) kinda hitting on the lady. suddenly using "I-You", asking the lady to call him "abang" and of course, asking her out.


the lady layannnnn baekkkk punya ok.
she actually agreed to go out with him
and when the husband mentioned that he is still young, around 30s and his wife is older than him, the lady actually made an offensive comment saying that, "oo, no wonder she looks old".. LIKE, omg!

so lastly, of course, she was told that it was panggilan hangit.

i cant imagine lah why this girl (oh, she's single) agreed to go out with someone's husband. well, at least, if it is urgent, asked him to bring his wife as well then.

seriously... the guy is married and she knew it.
soooo???? duk menggatal ngan laki orang kenapa wehhh...

and of course, when it is aired on national radio, the humiliation is doubled.
serve her right i guess..

p/s: Pray for blessed and blissful relationships (yes, all sorts)

Monday, January 23, 2012

just part of it


 Cleo Jan'12

and also, everything is just a part of things.
like, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday.
just part of a week. like, seriously.

p/s: what's with this Limited Edition of Cleo Mini? it's too small

Saturday, January 21, 2012



Setakat Januari 2012, nih antara koleksi Aksi Student Pelik (ASP) aku.

1) Bersembang dalam kelas dengan suara sengau yang dibuat-buat.
bila dah terlupa buat suara sengau, aku pun tegur,  " eh, dah tak sengau dah?"
dia jawab,  "dah makan ubat dah teacher"...

2) Dalam satu kelas aku ni, ada sorang budak perempuan, Kamalia (bukan nama sebenar) yang saiznya agak lain dari lain.
Tapi dia baik hati dan ringan tulang. Cuma, jadi bahan usikan kawan-kawan sekelas dia.
Hari tu, Kamalia duduk tempat lain dalam kelas dia.
so aku tanya lah, "Kamalia, kenapa awak duduk kat tengah pulak?"
tak sempat Kamalia jawab, ada suara petirrr, "bagi seimbang teacher. kalau dia duduk tepi, senget lah kelas".

3) Suatu petang di dewan makan asrama.
Menu makan malam : Telur rebus kari
Budak-budak dah habis makan. So ada telur yang lebih.
Ada lah 2-3 orang mintak telur kuning. Nak makan.
Tapi.......... diorang tak makan. diorang wat bom. main bom guna telur kuning.
Bikin panas!

p/s: Distraction.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Pernah tak kau rasa,
tanpa sebab kukuh,
kau rasa nak menangis?
(ok, angkat tangannn)

seriously tadi, pas meeting
aku rasa nak menangis
tetibe rasa sedih, sayu, muak, loya, letih, rindu, semua lah wehhh..

and aku tau,
kalau aku tetibe je sedih
i will hug someone.
but of course, i cant just hug some random people here.

So, aku akan drive.
dengar lagu and drive sama ada 60km/h or 110km/hour.

and, aku akan beli sesuatu.
apa-apa je.
asalkan aku beli sth.

disebabkan aku kat SP
aku hanya beli makanan je.

dan bila sampai waktu,
aku akan balik.


aku dengar 2 buah lagu kat sekolah tadi..
dedua nya student yang nyanyi

lagu 1 : Time aku lalu sebelah kelas form 4 neh, berkumandang satu lagu dari student kat muka pintu kelas die, "it was a beautiful nighttt..... Oh, baby! i think i wanna marry you..." (Bruno Mars, Marry You)

Lagu 2: Time aku mengajar kat dalam kelas, aku terdengar pulak sorang budak laki neh nyanyi kat koridor dengan kuatnyer,........... "ingin..ku gigit-gigit cuping telinga kecilmu" (Aqasha, Obsesiku)

and untuk kedua2 lagu tuh,
reaction aku adalah
.......... WTHeck??

p/s: seriously aku tak leyh nak gelak langsung time meeting. Tak lawak pun?!


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