Monday, January 02, 2012



Hi all...
how's your new year's eve? legend...(wait for itt...wait for ittt...).. dary ???
haha..hopefully everyone started their new year with something beneficial yaww!

Last few days, it was Basu's birthday.
and today, it is Abah's birthday!
i made sausage bread for daddy. i just baked brownies last few days, so no more cake today k!

i always wanted to say something bout daddy.
and i guess his birthday is THE day to do so.

5 random things bout daddy :
a) He never complains bout food. I mean, food that mom n me prepared. NEVER ok. If he likes it, he would eat more but if he doesnt quite like it, he would eat less. as simple as that! :)
b) He never hit me or my mom or my brothers. Seriously, i couldnt recall any event of him slapping, pinching, hitting or canning me. BUT... he educates me through examples and words, advices.. through kind words. I admit, i dont quite like to be nagged or scolded (omg, do u like it?? haha). I could accept advices and could cry when listening to them. coz they might touch my heart. and when daddy wants to talk bout something serious, he would wait for the right moment (eyes to eyes moment) and talk bout it... and you'll know that it is serious, when he uses English to explain or advise. i call it as the daddy-me awkward moment. huhu...
c) He trusts me to do things. ahaha. like, finding my own way back home in a place that im not familiar with. like seriously, sometimes i do think whether he actually worries bout me or not..why? coz he rarely calls me or texts me. like seriously, i could count the number of calls or texts he sent to me..ahaha. but, of course, i appreciate his trust and it does help me in being independent! :)
d) He listens to me more than my brothers..ahaha. bunyi macam perasan kann... but i do think so. indeed, my mom said so too! ahaha :p. 
e) Abah looks garang. with his mustache and serious face. I think, he never smiles in his passport pictures. and when I took pictures, I would sometimes, specifically ask him to smile. hahaha :p. BUT, he really has a kind and tender heart. He helps people when they are in need. He loves children (though nada grandchild yet..haha). and he knows what's the best for ones that he loves. Seriously, he thinks and he sticks to it. He is a firm decision maker. and also a wise one! :)

and coz of these and many more good qualities in him,
I love you more and more ABAH ♥ .
thank you for bringing out the best in me. 

           Happy birthday Abah


Ya Allah
Rendahkanlah suaraku bagi mereka
Perindahlah ucapanku di depan mereka
Lunakkanlah watakku terhadap mereka dan
Lembutkan hatiku untuk mereka

Ya Allah,
Berilah mereka balasan yang sebaik-baiknya, atas
didikan mereka padaku dan Pahala yang besar atas
kesayangan yang mereka limpahkan padaku,peliharalah
mereka sebagaimana mereka memeliharaku.

Ya Allah,
Apa saja gangguan yang telah mereka rasakan
atau kesusahan yang mereka deritakan kerana aku
atau hilangnya sesuatu hak mereka kerana perbuatanku
jadikanlah itu semua penyebab susutnya
dosa-dosa mereka dan bertambahnya pahala kebaikan
mereka dengan perkenan-Mu ya Allah
hanya Engkaulah yang berhak membalas kejahatan dengan
kebaikan berlipat ganda.

Ya Allah,
Bila magfirah-Mu telah mencapai mereka sebelumku,
Izinkanlah mereka memberi syafa'at untukku.
Tetapi jika sebaliknya, maka izinkanlah aku memberi
syafa'at untuk mereka,sehingga kami semua berkumpul
bersama dengan santunan-Mu di tempat kediaman
yang dinaungi kemulian-Mu, ampunan-Mu serta rahmat-Mu... .

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang memiliki Kurnia Maha
Agung, serta anugerah yang tak berakhir dan Engkaulah
yang Maha Pengasih diantara semua pengasih.

Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.. 



p/s: Thank you ALLAH for my parents.:)


fsj said...

i wanted to leave comment on this entry last time, but i decided to keep the best for the last, i want to really read from my heart like how u wrote it from your heart :)

so happy birthday pakcik! may Allah bless u always! i can tell daddy loves u so much and u should be grateful when he didnt show if he's worried or not about when you found your way back home, unlike me, but of course i have to be grateful too :p, but in a way, u learn to be confident and independent with your decision :)

last but not least, i cant wait to meet daddy's one and only son in-law ;)

~NuWanDa~ said...

awwww...that's so sweet depp!!
i know u sincerely wrote this, from ur heart too! :)

yeah, dad is kinda cool with letting me out, etc..hihi.. and of course, my mom is the opposite.. complementing each other yawww! :)
daddy loves me so much, so am i. :)

ur last statement.. is soooo...
*i dont have the answer* to it!
the only SIL, gonna be my parents' favourite of coz..hahaha :p

fsj said...


am excited. still. :p

~NuWanDa~ said...

overrrr kannn...haha

~NuWanDa~ said...

overrrr kannn...haha


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