Tuesday, January 18, 2011




4 of my friends were informed that they will be teaching in Sabah early next month.
So far they are the only ones who received the posting- related letters.
and as for me, i will be checking the letter box again, regularly. huhu.
hm, ive been home for a few months, doing nothing specifically.
it is kinda boring but I prefer having me-time over hectic life.
and thinking that next month is probably the month i will start to work, i am sooo nervous.
imagine, being in the school, knowing nobody and yeah,..
it is kinda like being in IPBA during orientation week. you know, making friends and blending with the surrounding. but of course, school wait you no more. there is no orientation for a new teacher okeh.
Plus, by the time we'll be teaching (which probably on Feb), the school actually has operated for a month.
ooooohh.. thinking about being in a new school is so not something that im fond of.
and for the record, when i first went for my practicum, i was quite unhappy at the beginning that i lost my appetite to eat (lunch only..hehe). but of course, as time went by, it kinda surprised me that i was actually sad to leave the school, specifically, my students.
So i hope that wherever i got posted to, I would feel the maximum pleasure of teaching, the loves from my students and the positive vibe of working as a team.

At one of high schools in NZ. btw, im not a music teacher. i barely can play a guitar okes.

p/s: seriously, how to keep in touch


fsj said...

eh gedep, kite dapat dah posting, wellington boy high school. kamu tak cek email lagi ke? ;)

p.s lagu your song cam nak nanges jew.. eh top sedey ke? heheh

sarabella said...

ahaha...yeke? kite dapat posting kat VUW jer..haha

yekew? kite xde r rasa nk nanges dengar. kite tgk penyanyi tuh pun xde r muka sedih time nyanyi. kmu je kot feeling2 lebeh..haha :p. tp kite suke dgr sore die n muka die cam muka senior kite kat ipba yg kawen ngan abg saiful akak 50thousand tuh. kan? (hmm, kenal ke x gedep nih)


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