Thursday, November 17, 2011

mangga makan besi



from google image

Belajar parking tadi..
susah lah nk parking sisi.
especially kalau depan belakang tuh ada kereta.
ritu aku g sekolah, ala2 berbangga dengan diri sendiri sebab aku parking boot masuk dulu, baru depan (parking reverse lah kann)..
first time lah kirenyer parking reverse yg cantik..
so aku tepuk tangan seorang
ok tipu..aku tak tepuk tangan.
then bile balik skul, aku try pulak nk parking kat posisi yang aku tak pernah try.
parking sisi yang diapit kereta. wah ko memang feeling2 pro lah nih kann..
masuk- masuk, sauk lipat belok bagai..
still makan jalan lagikkk..
then ada cikgu / jiran aku lalu, die tolong2 lah apa yang patut..
and lastly, still tak ok..
aku pun mintak die yang parking kan wehhh...
5 minit macam masak megi je ok!
*terus masuk dalam umah masak maggi*

from google image

after belajar parking, aku pun masuk rumah..
memang kat luar tuh ada budak perempuan dalam 3-4 tahun sedang merayau-rayau...
aku rasa anak cikgu kat atas neh, cuma tak pernah nampak jerr...
sekali die ikut aku masuk rumah aku ok..
takyah jemput, pimpin tangan bagai..
pandai je die bukak slippers, masuk terus.
masuk je, terus inspect rumah aku and tanya-tanya aku nih bilik sapa, etc..
yakin ok! aku pulak rasa pelik. lol

tuesday, 15th Nov 2011

from google image

hmm nih lagik satu kes yang memalukan diri sendiri.
hari nih student aku exam BI.
so aku nak pi skul awal, nk jupe diorang, handle diorang assemble, kedatangan, doa, etc..
and malam tuh dh tune kepala nk bangun awal sebab nk move awal.
and seperti biasa, aku siap cun-cun (eh, terjujur pulak), spray perfume and then amik handbag, tutup pintu bilik, lock.

pastu menjerit!
kunci rumah and kereta tertinggal kat dalam bilik!
positif ! aku terkunci dalam rumah sendiri ok!
ko mampuu??

pastu aku pun lambai-lambai miss world kat jiran aku..
habes dua tiga orang turun tolong aku kopak besi grille ok..
huhu.. kompang lah besi grill aku.
tapi yang penting aku macam burung merak bebas dari sangkar giteww.
and lipas kudung g skolah..
terima kasih kepada jiran-jiran tetangga aku yang menghulurkan bantuan...
dan anak-anak kecil yang menjadi cheerleaders...
juga tak lupa kepada PK Pentadbiran aku yang ketawa bile dengar aku explain kenapa aku lambat datang..

but, ni pun kire blessing in disguise ok.
1)sebab perkara nih, parents aku datang umah coz mummy daddy yang pegang kunci rumah spare.
2) bile ada daddy kat umah, semua barang rosak jadik elok..hehe.
3) aku ley blaja parking sisi ngan abah, eh kan sekarang mode gedik, daddy.
4) aku nak wat kunci spare!!!

from google image

btw, tadi time aku practise parking ngan abah, sambil aku lepak kat bawah bumbung.........


aaaa!!!..biadap btol burung neh..berani ok berak atas kepala aku!!  T__T.
aku ingat air apa lah atas kepala aku..
sekali tahi betik ok, betik!! panas lagik!

p/s: had a meeting.. wouldnt want to comment on that

Saturday, November 05, 2011



I should have posted this earlier... been meaning to but....
*thinking..thinking of excuses..*
ok, i dont have solid reason..hehe
let's proceed to the main biz...

right, last few weeks, my friends especially those who are still studying in NZ,
busy updating their FB and twitter bout Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2011..
what's more with TV news and newspaper right.
especially when it comes to the finale.. between NZ n France...

and RWC 2011 ended with the winning of ALL BLACKS team!

 *cue: We are the Champion song*
from google image

Yeah, i wont (and couldnt) categorize myself as a die hard fan of rugby.
Im a total noob with this game...
but what i can say is, i like the game.
i like the rush, the spirit and the fun that it could bring by only watching it...

and i had few awesome experiences of watching live games of Hurricanes and ALL BLACKS at Westpac Stadium while i was in NZ.

and all of that, was totally epic!

a tribute for that... click here! :)

i got pics with the players but i look seriously 'wide' better not horrifying the readers..

p/s: i have lotsa stories to ..



Satu tengah hari yang tenang..
aku jalan seorang diri kat koridor sekolah..
dalam hati menyanyi lagu 'opps i did it again!" sambil melenggang lenggokkan kepala sikit ke kanan and kiri...
kening pun naik-naik skettt..
depan aku ada 3 orang budak perempuan form 1..students aku.
sambil aku humming dalam hati,
"opss..i di...."
then aku nampak budak lelaki form 6 jalan dari arah bertentangan...
tibe-tibe aku nampak satu perkara yang aku rasa budak lelaki tuh tak patut buat, tambah2 depan aku...
dengan selambanyer, budak lelaki form 6 tuh gurau senda dengan budak perempuan form 1..
jejaka tuh libas-libas manja tali leher merah die ke arah badan student perempuan iteeww!!
aku tersentappp uolsss..
berani okeyh bercanda ria depan aku!!
tanpa melihat wajah lelaki tersebut, aku sound lah,
and then, ko tau die jawab apewww???!!


"adik, teacherrr..."


kenapalah aku tak tengok muka die awal-awal?
sebijik ok dengan muka budak tuh adik perempuan die...

*terus tanggal heels, jalan laju-laju*.. 

p/s: Alhamdulillah, tak ter over drive..hehe ;p

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stranger by the Day.


last two days....
1)  i had this stranger by the day event again..
it started with heavy downpour, thunder and lightning..
it was so scary that i was like a mother cat that lost its kitties.
i couldnt sit still in my own quarters because everywhere, i could see the lightning flashing from the windows.
and the sound of thunder was definitely horrifying.
even my car alarm went off coz of the thunder.

                                                         from google image

yesterday had this meeting.
my name was mentioned thrice..
yeaY!! (NOO)
i was asked to do an in-house training for MBMMBI
needed to send and fetch students for this one course.
publish Management Book for 2012 (which means lots of back and forth to school during school hols) 
but i know, coz of duty as well, i wont be getting my hols all to myself..

                                                        from google image
after meeting i went to hostel to decorate the dining hall
yeah, because tomorrow there would be a competition, etc
and while i was decorating the place, suddenly a student called me.
his eye was bleeding u know!!
like literally menangis air mata darah uols..
and it was bleeding coz he played with a widow cat which just lost her kitties
and that cat slatched (yeah, another mashed up word: slap + scratch) him ..not on his cheek but his right eye! T__T
yeah, tell me about it , when animal went wild.

                                   from google image

and it was indeed a very tiring day.
i couldnt sleep tight that night.... (yeah, each night i slept at warden's room, i wont be getting my beauty sleep)
woke up at 2am, 4am, turned to the left, right, looking at my roommates...
counting numbers, trying to close my eyes,
and then alarm went off....pfftt..

1) let me announced...
i lost my direction to my home today!!!
imagine, ive been driving home for like hundred times
but still, i was lost.. OMG.
i know that in order for me to drive home with focus,
i need good+enough sleep. and yesterday, i slept like chicken peacock (motipp tidur2 merak?? bukan tidur2 ayam??).
and today, right before 12noon, i had my class 4 periods straight!!
i was just being informed that i had to organise NIE for these form 3 students.
and also had my class with form 1. dayum!

2) long story short,
-after school hours, pack my stuff (and funny that i actually forgot to bring things that i have actually put aside to be brought home), prayed and straight away balik..
-on the way, i saw an accident and my heart beat faster..huhu
-i stopped at KFC to have my lunch.
-and i had this urged to fill in petrol...

3) and i didnt know what happened, i kept on driving...
and i didnt even see the landmarks or signboards that i usually see so that i would turn right rather than straight and lost...huhu
it wasnt my first time got lost but it was my first drive-alone that I actually koya and lost.
hahaha.. I berangan ke? takk
was i thinking of sth at that time? nope...
maybe i wasnt focusing on things that should be focused on...
so yeah, a 2 hours journey was dreaded to a 4 hours ride.

4) and what's good bout it?
i finally managed to buy Cleo mag at the China town..time singgah kat area Sri Iskandar kedai mag tutup.
and .....what's PRECIOUS is...
i have learnt my lessons:
a) not to drive too fast.. though you are driving at right lane.
you cannot expect an accident scene, police roadblock, etc
b) make sure your petrol is full. so that when you are lost, you can focus on finding your way home and not way to the petrol station..huhu
c) do not think too much or thinking nothing at all while driving.
and in my case, i was like bewitched... lol. after a few kms, baru sedar terlebih lajak sudahhh..and unfortunately tak boleh diundur lagik way street..

p/s: next time, i would be more berhemah..huhu

Sunday, October 23, 2011

lapaq nah


ahhhhh.... craving..craving...craving

Pizza Hut The Ultimate Cheese Pizza



screw it i didnt know interesting places to dine here :(


Saturday, October 22, 2011

sungkai best out!



went to smk sungkai for this MBMMBI course. ive never been there, dont even know how to go there..

so i made an arrangement with another teacher. i thought of carpooling with her. meaning, she'll be driving and im going with her.. and she, on the other hand, was thinking that im going to drive.. lol. we both are actually kinda noob to driving esp to places that are unfamiliar..

and in the end, it was his husband who sent us there. 
and apparently her husband was my colleague..

and yeah, she is a very friendly and of course, talkative too. and helpful.
baru kenal tapi dah rapat. glad to know her actually :)


it's been a while i havent had my weekend at quarters. 
usually i would go back home or spend my days at hostel. 
and it's tiring (driving for 2hours) and boring (living in hostel during weekend).

so i would have half of my Saturday at quarters tomorrow. 
the other half and Sunday would be spent at hostel.

im thinking of cleaning my house (quarters). like seriously, i semakin kelam kabut nak kemaskini things, kemas rumah mop, cuci toilet etc bagai. usually balik kuarters sekejap2, basuh baju then ke hostel. 
i need pintu suka hati. gimme one please.

p/s: im so darn sleepy. planning to wake up late's weekend btw.



we know that people like to comment share their thoughts,
either praises or criticisms..

and if you want to validate both, you need to look at the person who says it too.

and both praises and criticisms can also come from your students..
hence, if that comes from them, kadang ada motipppp lain

so these were some of the comments made from my form 5 students after a session of extra class:

orait, nanti cikgu tukar opsyen mengajar kepada Bahasa Melayu ok sayang??

 nih mesti duk sebelah orang kat atas nih kann...;p

hahaha..berani uols kata I tak reti guna BM??

* I actually use around 90% of English while teaching this class. They could understand though it took lots of re-explanation. and what's better, they actually trying to reply in English too! :)

aww... I lap u! :p

orite! dont worrry. next session, ANTM ajar uols ok! :p

ahahaha... yeah, it was a hot evening indeed. no electricity.
and sapa yang tulis nih baik ngaku. I belanja makan KFC..
i bilang sampai 3 je ni! 
3..2..1..! tetttt 

macam -macam ada........

p/s: last week was the end of exam week ..marking....huhu

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

lawak sadis


kes 1:

cikgu, cikgu punya hidung nih mancung lah ---> puji 1

kalau cikgu  tak marah2 mesti lagi mancung kann...(ayat tak abes..) ---> puji 2

.........macam Pinocchio  ---> sadis

kes 2: 

sedang aku usha budak-budak asrama makan....
datang sorang budak f6 nih yang sibuk mintak nak kuah banyak-banyak

warden gorgeous : kalau kamu nk kuah byk apa kamu kna buat??
dia  : hmm...(sambil senyum-senyum)...saya kenaaaa.... senyum lebeh???

yeah right...aku suh kau datang lagik awal lah wehh....
bukan pukul 7pm.. T__T
jawapan dia memang tak leyh layan okk..haha

p/s: craving for pizza!

Sunday, October 16, 2011



from google image

p/s: i hope that ............. *too many things to list*

Monday, October 10, 2011




i was teaching my form 1 class..
and after i finished, a student came to me, asking....

"teacher, what's the meaning of 'lap'?"

I said,  "pusingan"

and then she looked confused.

I asked her again, "what's the whole sentence?"

she said, " I lap you"

upon hearing that,  I was laughing like a witch princess and said,

"a boy wrote that to you right?"

yeah, she was blushing..LoL

p/s: hopefully tomorrow and next few days and many more days to come are awesome! :)

crush.. gedegang!


CRUSH is like fancying a flower coz of  its sweet smell. 
and next few days, you could have been forgetting bout the flower coz you have found a perfect perfume! 

p/s: yeah girls.. you know how i could come out with this, right!? lol..

yeah, call it a game


 *grab it from a friend of mine* :)

p/s: MUET (speaking) tomorrow! all the best guys! :)

Friday, October 07, 2011

funnisteresting physio


Last monday, I went to see a doctor
and I also told him about my thumb.
yeah, ..he referred me to a physiotherapist.
I was like... err... B O R I N G *yawning*...

of course I went to the appointment..
I sayang my thumb okayyy...

so, how's the appointment??
how does a physio session look like?

It was like going to a gym..
but people just wear jeans or even kurung...

It was funny okay...
from the question and answer session,
till the exercise parts.
and not to forget, its wax therapy...
awww..waxxx okayy..haha :p

but before that,
confession: how I kinda injured my thumb?
not coz I picked my nose nor playing "one little two little three sunflowers, ...."
it was as silly as clicking my fingers to hear the wicked "ketak" sound...
but it was "oucchhh" that i heard! huhu

and I was 'lucky' that the physio also had 6 new female practical students whom constantly looked at me, trying to approach me to ask me bout the thumb and everything..
I slightly felt like an artist... and I almost replied "no comment" to their questions..*vain mode*

yeah, back to the session.
basically, one appointment consists of 4 sessions..

1) Examining the thumb.

*skip* haha

2) ultrasound

i thought my first ultrasound would be after marriage... -u know when doc scan ur tummy for baby- (eh? eh? haha)
but this is a different one. It is a therapeutic ultrasound, with the frequency range of 3MHz
gel, probe, machine and of course my thumb..for around 10 minutes..
ala-ala massage giteww ..:p

3) exercise timeee

yeah, i was asked to play with beans....
but the feeling after that was kinda good.. rasa cam lembuttt je tangan I..
eh, tangan i memang dah lembut pon...
rasa cam, lebih lembut jer tangan...

and then, the second exercise is to bend and twist a rubber rod...
ala-ala perah baju uols...
my fingers tak rasa apa-apa sangat, tapi my arm yang lenguh lelebih pulak..
balik2 umah, check ada muscle timbul seketul...

and the last one that i like the most ...............

4) wax therapy

yeah right, it was not brazilian wax ok.. more to 'house of wax' i would say.

*from google image*

yeah..funny kann...
macam balut cempedak..huhu

I need to continue the physio sessions, for at least 4 weeks
but it would be at Hosp Teluk Intan..
ala.... haha

p/s: terasa weekend nih panjaaaaanggg.. tak balik ok! T__T

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

schoolpital candidate


as usual, in the morning i went to the office to punch in..
and before i could actually grab my card, I heard a teacher said,  "hah, long live sara" (lol).
ohhh, i was actually the 'on duty' teacher for PMR today.

so the first english paper went smoothly..
no drama, no loud noises..
just the singing of the birds on the tree and my lovely (lovely ker?? more to apok coz sore throat T__T ) voice teaching in the class..

drama began- second paper of English.
i was in the staffroom, marking books when i heard this one voice..
calling for my name...
"sapa guru bertugas PMR? ada budak pening aih"
my pen dropped...
breaking the silence of the room..


i was like, what?? the second paper for english just started lahhhh...
and was this boy had a slight shocked looking at the questions or whattt??

so i went to the exam hall...
searching for this boy who apparently sat at the baaaccckkk of the hall..
and with my PK HEM's suggestion, i brought him to a clinic.
this boy had a headache, that he couldnt really think and write..
so what was the purpose of being in the room right?

but at that time, I was kinda thinking
so yes, i brought him to the clinic..
then what??
how's he going to answer the question?
what about his PMR?
he was in the middle of english paper2 exam...

so i went to the counter and asked the nurse if this boy could be treated first.
well, because of PMR......
everyone else was looking at us, as if, this boy was about to die
as if, i am the mother of the boy?? eh? I wore a nametag ok..
plus, we didnt look alike pon! common sense ya! haha

during the check up,
several questions were asked
like, "did you eat this morning?"  --- yes, i eat rice
like, "what time did you sleep last night?" --- 12am
so after hearing 12am , the person said, " you should sleep at 9pm especially during this exam week"
upon hearing that, i was like.... what?? 9 pm?
ok, confession, I used to sleep at 9pm, especially last few months..
but now, my biological clock is getting better..
my boss je kot leyh tidor kul 9pm..huhu
but never in my student's life that i slept at 9pm, unless i wasnt feeling well..

so he was given a bag of iv fluid.
i asked how long will it take?
an hour..or at least 30 mins...

so there i was,
accompanying the boy, who supposedly sit for his PMR at that moment.
I was praying hard that he would be okay and could sit for the exam without any complication...

i saw 3 cars with only the drivers came into the clinic's compound...
wahhhh... suddenly i felt like i was in a movie...
i am the on duty officer, with a gun in my handbag..
eh? handbag? no..
i am the officer with a gun on my waist,
guarding this inmate who was injured..
and then came other officers, taking turn to guard him..

yeah, the other invigilators (and the head invigilator) came to the clinic.
they came with a sealed exam paper and stationary.
we asked the boy whether he could actually write or not with the needle stucked on his right wrist.
and we got the staff to prepare a room for the boy to take the clinic!
wahhh... exclusive ok.. a big air-conditioned meeting room in a clinic!
only the two of them...hehe

and guess what,
after an hour plus, the boy was feeling better and decided to take the exam at school.
so there it goes...
the end of my drama...
nuwanda, the PMR candidate and 3 other invigilators went back to school safely!

oh ya,
the boy got an exclusive room for two as well at school
and of course being given the minutes that he was owed, to answer the paper.

p.s: i met with 2 different Ws in one week.. interesting! *wink*

Monday, October 03, 2011



Im not quite well.
currently having slight fever, runny nose, sore throat 
and sexy voice..
ok, slash that...

my thumb (its joint) is kinda sore.
right, my fault mann..
so, long story short,
went to physio and i found it funnisteresting (yeah, my mashed up word).

tomorrow, im kinda nervous ..
my students will be sitting for their PMR..
I pray that they'll get it through smoothly and successfully (the process and the result)
Insya ALLAH.

p/s: may every one be in a great condition and healthy.........

It Will Rain by Bruno Mars


hi.. love this song the first moment i listened to it..
the lyrics, the music and of course... Bruno's awesome voice.
plus, it is in the Twilight soundtrack! awww....

this article was adapted from here :

Bruno Mars scores the first single from the "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1" soundtrack - The powerful ballad "It Will Rain", co-written and produced by The Smeezingtons, was released officially released on iTunes on September 27th, while the soundtrack disc hit stores on November 8th, 2011 - Bruno described the new song as "think of the darker side of love". This is definitely the highlight from the entire 'Twilight' soundtrack.

If you ever leave me baby,
Leave some muffins (not the actual word peeps!) at my door
‘Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don’t have it anymore.

There’s no *beep*  that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m makin’
Will keep you by my side
Will keep you from walkin’ out the door.

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

I’ll never be your mother’s favorite
Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye
Oooh if I was in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing
Sayin there goes my little girl
Walkin’ with that troublesome guy

But they’re just afraid of something they can’t understand

Oooh well little darlin’ watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
If that’ll make you mine

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

Don’t just say, goodbye
Don’t just say, goodbye
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
If that’ll make it right

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

p/s: this song is also in my blog playlist.. check it out! :)

Saturday, October 01, 2011

more or less


Wanting things are normal.
Often, when we have them, we always want more,
we want something better.
and when something better happens, suddenly it hits us...
that all this while it is not perfect that we are looking for.
all we want is normal, something common and ordinary.
People always want more,
enough is not always sufficient until we learn that sometimes, less is more.

p/s: not feeling well..



There are these two cats, they fight for my house my mom and dad's house, for a territory.
but the weird thing is, they are not even my cats.
So no matter which cat wins, it wont get the house
and they simply think that this house will finally be owned by one of them.
how could they fight for a thing that does not belong to theirs?
and how could they actually fight for... nothing?
but they actually could. coz they are just cats.
if i change this to humans, it would make more sense.
fight for nothing is sad,
fight for nothing without realising it, is even more devastating.

May all of us (including myself of coz), know what we are fighting for in this world.

p/s: sometimes it is just hard to say it out loud.. 



i have been ranting a lot bout being a warden..
and apparently it's not gonna stop anytime soon.
so this week, students went back home.
they actually went back home every alternate week.
and of course, before they could go back,
they need their warden's (ehem, me) signature on their outing cards.
so last night i actually signing more than 100 orange cards.
and i felt like an artist...*faint*

i signed the girls' cards first because they submitted theirs sooner than the boys.
and of course when i was signing the cards, i looked at the pic and what's written there... (obviously u'll see it)
a lot of things being written in the cards. like ........

ok, i could understand that girls could be expressive.
hence all those notes...
later on, i got the boys' cards.
bersih ok
it was straight forward. no notes and craps.

not until...........

i got the third group's outing cards..
for sure, these are the otais..
otai2 kan suka hantar lambat... pfts..

boys could be expressive and 'creative' too..
and otais have feelings too...

p/s: got my second duit raya last monday from Dato'... lol

Sunday, September 25, 2011

tu apa? tu...


congratz cuzzy.. :)

p/s: need to move out early.. :(

Thursday, September 22, 2011



saya x bagus dalam ENGLISH, tapi saya boleh bagi tau yg..I LOVE YOU..

saya x bagus dalam GEOGRAFI, tapi saya boleh tawu awk tinggal dlm HATI saya..

saya x bagus dalam SEJARAH, tapi saya INGAT FIRST TIME saye kenal awak..

saya x bagus dalam KIMIA, tapi saya boleh bagi tau TINDAK BALAS saya bila awak senyum..

saya TIDAK HEBAT dalam tiap2 subjek, tapi saya boleh bgtawu awak yg saya hebat dalam semua SUBJEK, jika TOPIC nyer ialah AWAK !

Ok, totally not written by me.
kalau nak ayat-ayat cinta, bukak je fb page students..
banyak ok. takyah pikir-pikir....

takyah amik feel time gaduh, merajuk, putus or rindu punnn...
macam kat atas nihhhh...

and this is another one,
found on one of my students' exam paper,

"Putus cinta perkara biasa,
Putus rokok pening kepala"....

ko mampuuu?????

p/s: bersiaran secara langsung from warden's room..perghhh..kelass! ;p

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

love you like a love song..keep on repeat peat


senaman ringkas untuk orang muda memang bagus

yes, our school has a new building.
like finally!
the office is now on the 1st floor. and library's on the 2nd floor.
So, the big boss and PKs, guru kanan, clerks and all the office stuff were officially went and moved to the new building...

Yeay!!!! (half NOO?!!)

the new building, is far away from the main gate, from the staff room.

hence, we need to walk super fast like Flash from the car park, to the staff room, to the stairs and to the new office to punch card and take the register book.

haish.. same goes as to punch out.

cant they just buy a new punch card machine and put it in the staff room? hence, everyone will be happy to punch in and out!

Dasarrrr rajinn...haha

kau memang Nerd Gojes..Kelass!

i was the last person leaving the school today..
*clap clap*
they already locked the staff room that i had to call the guard to open it.
i feel like a gorgeous NERD.

muka kau macam buku, senang nak dibaca

i went to the old office.
and bumped into my PK HEM.
he asked me how's everything with school and my quarters.. whether im ok...

of course i said, "so far everything's fine..why?"

he said, " you look unhappy"..

omg omg..
mann, was it too obvious??
what should i say ya??

so i answered, "am I??"

he looked at me and asked, "do you have any problems? anything?"

"hmm, nothing that i cant handle"

i knoww, my answer was like, sooo vain! so i covered my vanity with a laughter..
and i think he covered it by laughing too..

i bet,
he saw the incident.
or the person told him about it..
right! now i feel embarrassed. T_T

p.s: need to pack things up today and sleep early.. hopefully..

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

not tally enough


a few updates...

been hoping (for fun) for my telepathy to work.
it works, but not as what i hope for..
still, no harm.. :)

i think i kinda make a bet to myself ..
next time, in my xx class, i wont yell or get angry with them..
no matter how naughty and loud they are, i will try to get them behave using my 'motherly' *cough* voice and words..
so let see... if they could behave without being scolded.

now the paddy field is green.
padi sedang naik uols..
so as the water level at 'tali air' and the uprising of this one kind of insects..huhu
need to be extra careful on road..
air selalu overflow ke jalan raya. and the 'Danger' sign is kinda funny.
they put it like, at the place itself. NOT like at least 200m ahead... adoi!!
and my friend's car, pernah terbabas ke tali air coz of the overflowed water.
and this insect..... i dont know what people call it.
banyak but senang mati. kecik2 jerr...
kalau mati, u need to use a vacuum to suck it. it you sweep it, mesti merata-rata pergi.
it is not kala-katu... sometimes, it can get into your nostril tauu..huhu

a student gave me a bowl of choc cakes, from her momma of course (xkan daddy kot kann).
happy to receive and share it with colleagues... :)
if only im a good cook!

one of the things that i find it annoying about people is,
they would do anything to kill boredom.
including saying words or sending texts that they dont actually mean,
I (and most others) hate to be one's MTV - turn it on only when you are bored.
so, I cut the electricity before one even turns it on.

students have been asking me

whether i will be their warden or not..
the problem is,
why did they ask with a smile on their faces?

p/s: good night loves. hope to wake up early tomorrow, insya ALLAH. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Things to do in SP or KG :

1) Go to Pasir Salak Resort


2) take pictures near the paddy field. now it is as green as GREEN..haha
nice for photoshoots.

*imagine the picture yourself* ;p

3) Pictures at Menara Condong Teluk Intan.


Well, these are so far the things that i could think of.
maybe i will add more stuff later..

p/s: consoling myself..

Because good music can be so hard to find


My heart's a stereo
It beats for your, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio
Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you
Just sing along to my stereo

If I could only find a note to make you understand
I sing a song and the image grab me by the hands
Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune
And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you

Because good music can be so hard to find

(Gym Class Heroes fear Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts)

Nice personification ay?
im sharing this not coz 'dalam hati ada taman' uols... (kena bagitau, nanti Gedep wat )
just for fun, yaww... :)

p/s: next week, aku kena jadik singa ke??

Wednesday, September 07, 2011



"whenever i feel like crying,
or feel like getting out of something,
i like to wander alone in the city,
in shopping malls, or simply eat.
somewhere but not in a familiar place where i dont feel usual."
After working, i got into my car.
I turned on the music to a loud volume, that i could hear every drum beat, every tiny sound.
and i drove.
for the first time since i have been here, i simply dont know where i could go to.
i was in a car, driving yet not knowing my actual destination.
which mall should i shop?
which place should i dine in for comfort eating?
so i drove and drove around the kampung.
i didnt know where to go but i knew that i just didnt wanna go home, yet.
I felt like driving back home and met my parents.
but that would be too dramatic.
I am a grown up.

and grown up has limits too.

p/s: those who know how to give excuses are ones who always get away with everything.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

sweet dream


Yesterday had a midnight movie watching Final Destination 5.
of course with my brother.
expected plot in unexpected ways.
like alwayss..

and my 2 other brothers went fishing.
bringing back like 10 fish.
next time, i'll follow them..bringing my charm to attract the fish..hehebluwekkk..;p


and here's a clip taken when my kitty was sleeping..
look at his legs and mouth..
lawak ok..hahah
right, tak baik gelakkan kucing..hehe
he was so sound asleep and looked like he was having a sweet dream or ...  shuffling..haha


when i was in secondary school, in a boarding school,
i always have things to look forward to.
the first day of school, monday was not a problem for me.
when it is time for classes, i was so eager to go to my class.
to learn, to meet my friends, to make and listen to silly jokes and the actual thing was,
that i could see this boy that i had crush on.
crush jela kann... uols pun ada rightttt ??? :p
and now, i am still in school
BUT i have no solid reason at all, that could make me eager to go there.
not that i want to have a crush on someone there..(hellowww..haha)
but at least, fun things that i could look forward to..
so that i could say, "wahhh, tak sabar nk drive to SP esokkk!!!! ".
: (  

p/s: tomorrow's sunday alreadyyy!! im so not ready for school!! :(

Thursday, September 01, 2011

update raya...


Hi uols..hellow...

Salam Syawal, salam lebaran, salam kemerdekaan! :)

how's your syawal so far? how's the merdeka celebration?
meriah takk??

this year's raya celebration is so far fun!
went here and there. all the siblings are here, meeting relatives and so much else!

btw, this morning, i went to the kitchen,
greeting good morning to everyone, to mom, dad n my bro.
but suddenly, i heard my dad said, "makan, Ita"...
sentap uols..terjatuh lemang ditanganku gitewww..haha
hmmmm, daddy didnt recognize me... :(..
yes, they sometimes were confused between me n my sis.
we are about the same size (ok, tipooo...she's slimmer than me) and height, and sometimes our voice sounds similar.
and my dad likes to pat my shoulders.
with my sis around, he must double check before patting 'my'

back to hari raya!

what's the most thrilling stuff during hari raya??
balik kampung!

did many things with cousins and siblings,
listened to many untold stories,
meeting unfamiliar true blood faces.

no more receiving duit raya!!


yes, hari raya with family n relatives was awesome.
did a little shopping with my bro n sis a day before raya.
carik tudung in the crowded mall..
sesak uols, like itulah satu2nya mall di dunia iniiii...

and then, main mercun bunga api with relatives at kampung...
gila penakut aku nak pasang api kat sumbu..
pas pasang terus blah..
padahal api tak kena pun sumbu.
last2, bunga api jugak aku carik!
aman je...
so when cousins, relatives and family members were together,
a lot of stories came out...
and surprisingly,
i just knew that i actually had this 'baba nyonya' blood from my great grandma, mother's side.
my moyang's father is from baba nyonya's descendant.
no wonder.... my mom n my brothers have kinda slanting eyes..

i just knew that this house is nearly 200 years old...
rumah pusaka nenek moyang...

before this, we didnt really went back here coz my late grandparents live with us, with my aunties.
so everytime it was raya, we went to KL..
it was recently that we rebuilt and renovated here and there so that we could reminisce the memories.
feel the kampung environment, where my mother used to live and play here...
where my dad n mom got married.. and so on!

the compound.

lomang prepared by my cousin...

unfamiliar true blood faces

nih lagik satu kes yang setahun sekali jumpa...
bila sedara mara sampai, baru sibuk tanya, "mak, nak panggil apa?" ,   "mak, yang hensem tuh sape?",  "mak yang ..." blabla..
baru lah nak kenal sedara mara bagai kannn...
feel kinda weird when i see lots of girls in the house.
like meriah uols! hehe
satu family, 4 girls...
sorang keluar, semua keluar..haha.
macam best pulak... ;p 

and... i found similarity between Tok Chik's face with my lil bro.
tok chik is my late grandma's brother.
mom said that tok chik is a quiet man, like my lil brother..
and his smile is just like my late grandma's smile.

I also met with my cousin, whom i havent met since he was 11.
after puberty took place, of course everything changed!
dulu, nakal ya ampunnnnnn... kau rasa keje die nih carik gaduh je kann..
cuma sebab die budak je ko tak balas balik kannn...
skang nih, kalau dah form 4 pun duk lasak2 lagik..
ko memang lah kannn...
and his siblings, meaning my nephew lah,
6 boys...all boys. mana tak pening wehhhh...
tak duduk diam semua hero-hero nya..
I asked,  "aliff ada girlfriend tak??"
"mana ada girlfriend, muka hensem macam nih sapalah yang nakk"
ok ok....muka HANDSOME macam nih, sapalah yang nak...
7 years old uolsss..haha
btw, dengan diorang, I still bahasakan myself 'kak sara' uols..haha
memang feeling2 kak nita, though pangkat aunty dah kannnn.... :p

orite lah,
gotta stop now,
dodol kat luar tuh kena kacau,
mana ketupat nak kena rebus third round pulak kannn...
dengan wartawan bertanya yang nih dah ada calon skandal belum lagikk kann
i memang busy lahhhh...
busy busy body nih..

Selamat Hari Raya,
Maaf Zahir Batin,
Selamat Merdeka Raya too!

xoxo! :)

p/s: miss celebrating raya in NZ though... :)
pps: will upload more photos when time permits! :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011



I have told you.
boredom forces people to do anything.
lucky you listen.

p/s: yes, keep on listening then

Saturday, August 27, 2011

birthdayyy yay yay


hi uols.. how are you?
(note: entry goes Malaysian and Mat Salleh at

semalam drive dari kg G ke Ipoh pun jam. tak larat nk layan jam.
tengok kiri-kanan semua muka tension.
tpi syukur selamat sampai kann..hihi

sampai -sampai umah,
ada surprise from Mimi..

 Mimi and her 3 kitties

this one looks like SPot!

ok, like finally,
beranak pun. before this aku berteka teki die nih preggy ke tak.
perut bulat semacam tapi bila rasa xde pulak gerak gerak.
until one day, aku duk sorang-sorang dalam bilik....
pastu dengar bunyi.. bunyi bende bergerak.
carik punya carik...jenguk tingkap bagai..
sekali keluar mimi dari bawah katil..(mimi nih suara ala-ala emas, kadang nganga nganga tpi sebutir meow pun takde..kuar angin je..)
yes, die pregnant.
and lagik seminggu labour sebab tuh kelams carik tempat nak beranak.
(berani kau feeling-feeling nak beranak dalam bilik eh!!)
hmm, btw, adik aku memang awal-awal dah sediakan box siap tulis
'labour room C' ok!!!

so the kitties lahir on 26th August.. tpi i nak tulis 25th August jugak! hihi

and talking bout birthday...

ehem, last Thursday was my birthday...
my second birthday, celebrated at school!
last year, it was Ramadhan too and i was at school for practicum.
I still remembered how the students actually surprised me.
they stood up, and suddenly sang a birthday song for me!
and this year, another birthday at school..during Ramadhan too :)
received cards from students, wishes from colleagues, fb messages, texts and calls from family and friends.
all things that made birthday a special day itself.
except, i didnt really hug anyone on my birthday! :(

 her statement: "Saya sayang teacher",  really really made my day! :)

 the 1st card i got on my birthday! She made my day too! :)

and of course, I am grateful to ALLAH SWT for granting me these 24 years of life.
and hopefully, many years ahead, insya ALLAH.
may i become a better muslimah. Ameen.

and yesterday, at school
cam biasa, before raya holidays, we had the salam session with students
and amongst teachers...
lagi kecoh, lagi kepoh! haha

balik balik quarters after school,
found this interesting invention....

 hmm, senanglah pasni korang nak hantar surat cinta kat aku k!
and to my mama, daddy, brothers, besties, friends, colleagues, students, 
and all lah!! thanks a lot for your doa, wishes, cards, pressies...
love them so so so mmmmmuuuuuuuuaaaahhhh much! :)

and analysis shows that most of the wishes mentioned stuff about
jodoh, kawen and panjang umur... awww! :)
nih yang I sayang uols lebih nih!

muah! <3
(cukup besar untuk semua orang k! ;p)

p/s: someone in a good mood nih..hehe

Sunday, August 21, 2011

4 days

Ramadhan moment 5: Practicum at KL :)


4 more days before the holidayssss!!!
cant wait, cant wait.
hope these four days would be wonderful, Insya ALLAH. :)

p/s: cheer up sara!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

supermak and superdik


yeah, every year, August has been an awesome month.
like this year, August is the month of Ramadhan, the holy month in Islam.
and also the month of 4 birthdays - superdik, supercousin, supermak and supersara.
awesome kan..hehe

and i think i have already mentioned before in my previous blog that we dont really have birthday party culture in our family. birthdays are like any other days, except we wish each other happy birthday wishes, followed by hugs, kisses and gifts (no cakes or bday dinner, etc). so that's why im kinda cool with all these bday celebs (though it would be undeniably fantastic to have a surprise birthday party..ehem..haha).

so yeah, coz it isnt my birthday yet, but my mom's and lil bro, so i aint gonna talk bout me yawww...

superdik's birthday was on 12th Aug.
so on his birthday, at 12am, i gave him TWO-pages long sms. you know, i said all kind of stuff that a lovely sister would say..and after a few minutes, i received a reply, a TWO-words reply.... "ok, thanks"..
omg...haha. ok, ok. it was his birthday after all, so i would let this one pass (NO).haha

5 random things bout Superdik.
  1. he is the most patient person after Superabah in our family. 
  2. he listens more than he talks. so janganlah tanya die 'cantik tak??'. he would answer 'hmm' without even looking... annoying ok.
  3. sometimes, he treats cats like humans (at times, better than he treats me, mannn). one time, he even wanted to crush friskies so that toothless Mimi (yeah, this cat came to our house and only has 2 teeth with lots of saliva..huhu) would feel the joy of eating. plus, he wont allow me to talk bad about the cats in front of them. like 'eiii, comot lah kmu' or 'eiii, buang kang...'..haha. to him, it was sensitive u, the cats would sulk if they listened to humans talking like that (esp part nak buang or hilang or mati).
  4. he ensures himself to drink at least 8 glasses of plain water everyday. not less ok. he has his own glass.
  5. his most annoying thing : if i wore his t-shirt without asking him first. wooo...pernah gaduh ok pasal nih...hahaha. yela, i lived in a hostel, so sometimes, all my clothes were either being washed or left at the hostel. so the best solution was to songlap his. ;p
i know, we dont look alike.. not a single part right??

and next is of course about my Supermak! her birthday is today, kinda like 5 days earlier from mine..hehe.
and of course, whatever i wrote here would never really explain how much sacrifices she has done for us. to abah, to abang, to adik and of course to myself....and indeed, she is really a SUPERMAK!

5 reasons that my mom is indeed a Supermak.
  1. She never fails to prepare breakfast on the table since we were small. or even when we were not born yet. She worked and she managed to prepare breakfast and also lunch for us (coz we had school at noon, so mom prepared lunch directly in the morning).
  2. She lovesssss plants and animals (especially cats).  the first thing she did when we arrived home from kampung or vacation for a few days, was - inspecting her plants and cats. wilting or not..etc.and Allah blesses her with 'green fingers'. so most of the plants that she grew, live happily, Alhamdulillah..:), we have heaps of ulam around our house. and most of them, i dont even know the names. hehe.
  3. i am always amazed at her energy level. she is not a person who sleeps at noon. so she uses the time to do things. and most of the times, non-stop ok. i yang of course, younger than mak also cannot do it continuously like what she does. or is it when you are a mom and a wife, you would have this sort of determination and energy ?? hmm... 
  4. she raises 4 boys and a girl. so not an easy job. based on mom's story, when all my elder brothers were little, they were really naughty and active. always had siblings rival and mom was really garang back then..haha. but now, not so much anymore..hihi.
  5. she is a good advisors. she gives brilliant advices. like, even my brothers pun usually talks to her to share their problems. what's more with me kannn...:p
and for all of these and many many many more, I really am grateful to ALLAH SWT for HIS gift to me,  a superMAK. Alhamdulillah.

p/s: and of course, i love you Mak and Ju so much! happy birthday dearies, may ALLAH bless both of you and all of us.... <3 mmmuahhhhx! :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

ho ho ho horlicks eh???!

Ramadhan moment 4: SBE at Karori :)


kau tahu kan, bila ada webcam di laptop, dan juga video, kita akan camwhore and record apa-apa aje kannn..

yela, tak payah pegang. kau duduk je depan laptop..senyum..and snap...zillions of pictures.. 
then kau boleyh, main gitar and then record. kau boleyh nyanyi katak ngan member then record. 
macam-macam lah kannn...
pastu gelak-gelak and kutuk diri sendiri bile tengok balik semua gambar and videos... 

so, sejak beli laptop, meaning, around 2009, dah banyak gambar syok sendiri, gambar tak syok sendiri (pura-pura candid), gambar macam-macamlah...yela, kan webcam, pixel die rendah sket. so ko akan nampak 10 kali lagik gojes dalam makin perasan gojes lah giteww..dan video pon pelbagai. dari aku sakai main gitar, sampailah kurang sket sakainya....teruk tuh still adalah..hehe.lagipun, video-video tuh kadang jadik sumber aku untuk meng-annoy-ingkan adik aku..

and video plus gambar-gambar semua dari aku pakai baju sejuk dalam bilik sampailah t-shirt ,kepala berbalut tuala. 
dari new zealand, sampailah ke malaysia. 
dari 2009 hinggalah beberapa hari lalu...
yang mana aku terlupa nak back up gambar-gambar dan video-video tuh semua sebelum format laptop yang semakin tunjuk perasaan.

sekarang nih, aku yang rasa nak tunjuk perasaan. 
sedeyhhhhhh....... dah hilang semua gambar-gambar and most importantly, videos tuh semua k. 
mana nak dapat video yang aku pakai snow cap merah, jaket biru kat dalam bilik ACI, Wellington?
mana?? manaaaaaa ????

usah dikenang barang yang dah berlalu (yeah right!)

p/s: sara..sara....macam mana boleh lupa nak back up that files?? *sigh

Saturday, August 13, 2011

job offer- nak takkk???


Ramadhan moment 3 : A trip to Palmerston North, Sakura Festival :)


Plan for tomorrow,
in the morning- go to a jewellery shop and buy myself a ring.
afternoon- wear henna on my finger nails.
night-  put on make up and wear pretty pretty lacy clothes and snap pics.
midnight ... upload the pics on facebook.

ok, this must be a good plan indeed (NOT).

i told my boss that i will get married tomorrow.
well, after she proposed me ............. to be a warden.
because i am young, gorgeous and fabulous  a single lady teacher in the school.
senang kan syarat ko nak jadik warden - bujang cukopppp.. T___T


and lappy pon time2 nih lah nak PMS!

p/s: oh, tarik nafas...hembus..

Friday, August 05, 2011

kelas kauu Jahhh..!


kadang-kadang aku tak larat nak dengar soalan-soalan dari students, especially form 1* nih.

masuk je kelas hari tuh, diorang duk busy-busy ulang sebut banyak2 kali number plat kereta parents aku. masuk periksa? tak...ada kepentingan dalam hidup depa? xde kottt. ganggu kelas? YESSS..

hari tuh seorang student lelaki nih yang mengaku die mulut murai- "cikgu, saya memang mulut murai macam nenek saya"..pfftt. itu satu hal. se hal lagi, die beria- ia masa aku mengajar duk tanya berapa lama aku duduk NZ. Bila aku jawab, dia kata, "hah, lama tuh cikgu tak puasa kannn???..." (hambek ko jahhh...menyesal jawab kannn)

tadi. sorang budak tak reti duduk diam dari kelas yang sama dengan kes kedua tuh.
dia tanya, "cikgu, cikgu puasa ke cikgu??".
aku jawab, "yes, im fasting"
dia tak puas hati, "habis tu kenapa mulut cikgu berminyak??? macam baru lepas makan mee"
hambek ko jahhh..makan mee ko kata (terus aku ngidam kuew teow)..lenkali jangan pakai lipgloss lah senang.

kelas lain.
aktiviti berkumpulan
sedang satu group perempuan nih sibuk2 bincang, datang sorang boy nih cakap something yang membuatkan group girls nih panggil aku.
"teacher, dia ejek kitorang"
"what did u say to her?"
"saya sebut huruf depan nama diorang jer; s, d, a" - jawab budak lelaki tersebut...
kemudian kumpulan perempuan tuh balas...
"memang lah teacher, tapi dia tambah o, k, u kat belakang tuh!!"

right, sesungguhnya aku berpuasa.


 Ramadhan moment2: @ Kayu Manis, Wellington NZ
*D was taking the pic*

p/s: Alhamdulillah. interview SPP dah ada tarikh. perlu berusaha dan berdoa agar semua berjalan lancar dan cemerlang, insya ALLAH.. Ameen. kawan2, doakan yang terbaik juga ya! :)

Monday, August 01, 2011



1st Ramadhan in SP (not as a student anymoreee T_T):

- i just knew that moreh here refers to Iftaar. so when people invite you to moreh, come after Maghrib then.

- attendance has been deteriorating. many students didnt come to school. Some schools had the 1st Ramadhan as a holiday but mine was not. So students were absent because they kinda thought that we had a holiday too. perghhh..and my colleagues mentioned that during Ramadhan, the school will be kinda quiet and peace as many students take their on 'CRK' during Ramadhan..

-i have already heard some firecrackers meletopzzz mannn!.. baru 1 Ramadhan kottt!

- thinking of riding a motorcycle to school, rather than a car. - first, coz i want to save, 2nd, coz i dont really have ample time to warm up the engine. and my car is not parked in the house compound so it wont be safe for me just to warm up the engine and leave it there (an unlocked car with a car key, with an engine ready to be  actually, my school and the house is within a walking distance. but if i walk or ride a motorcycle to school, the car will be under the hot sun and cold mist the entire day and of course for the whole week. at least, if i drive it to school, half day dah bawah atap. we'll see....
- a student asked me, "teacher, teacher tak jadik pindah eh?" i said "yes, havent i told you that?"..and then he answered, "ohhh, sekolah sana bayar gaji tak banyak eh teacher?"... gulingkan mata anda ok (roll your eyes ok).


Ramadhan Moment 1: @ MSD, NZ

p/s: when i was in NZ, i hope that all of us could have iftaar together, as a whole family. but what ive forgotten is the fact that we are all scattered. I almost forgotten the last time we had sahur and iftaar together. :( .. one of the best moments in life i guess.


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