Tuesday, January 04, 2011



i dont know about others, but to those who love National Geographic Channel 553 on Astro, but havent heard it yet, let me share with you one interesting documentary called BREAKOUT.

if you are a big fan of PRISON BREAK, you might like this TV show. 
they are kinda the same; inmates, trying their best to escape...EXCEPT, there is no love story in Breakout and the inmates are not always as hot as Michael Scoffield and there is no pretty doctor, Sara Tancredi. 
Plus, this is real and all series are based on dramatic stories behind some of the most high-profile jailbreaks in recent history.

Breakout is aired every Monday, at 10pm.
Watch an episode and you will be surprised how convicts really get creative and determined. 
Every action is well planned.
And when the perfect moment comes, they wait no more and escape...
But of course, no matter how well thought the plans seem to be,
they are eventually recaptured!

p/s: i am nervous bout posting. again...huhu


Ballet shoes said...

i watched the show once but only for 10 mins and changed the channel. hahaha. but i love the channel so much!!!!:)

i'm so freaking nervous... did u read my txt?

~Nuwanda~ said...

i knew it! nih mesti tuakr channel ke 391 right??? haha. i chose Breakout over MMM..hehe. but nymind, u dont really watch prison break right??

the forwarded text tuh ke? ada bace. and now, they said bulan feb masuk. but im really nervous. xtau dapat mane..T___T. pray for the best.

Ballet shoes said...

u can read my mind!!! hahaha. haruslah byk oppa yg tgh tunggu i tau haha.

kte pon berdebar, hrp2 dpt tmpat yg kte minta. ameen :)


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