I opened my front door and called Spot. He came. So, i invited him into my house just to play with him for a while. He obeyed..until his play date came. Yes, Spot has a friend now. A male white cat. We call him Kucing Cina.The cat is white, about his age and has slanting eyes.
But mannn....
Spot ignored me for his play date! T__T.
Spot dah besar dah sekarang...*sigh
p/s: I think Spot macam budak baru nak masuk sekolah menengah.
sara, mane nk layan kamu. die dh ade teman hidup. nanti klu spot nk kawin jgn lupe ajak kite tau ;) klu ade kte baru meriah haha.
tp kn kte rase spot nk bg hint kat kmu;) semase kmu play date ngan die, die berkate dlm bhse die meow meow meow 'sara, kmu carila teman (merujuk kpd teman hidup. nanti leh kawin same2' hahha.
got the hint?:P
waa!! spot dah remaje!! satgi kamu dapat cucu menantu la ye sara? :p
itu play date Spot jela. bukan gf die. kucing cina tuh jantan tauuu...hehe. tapi seriously, dia nampak je kucing cina, trus ignore kite tauuu!!!
ok lah esok i kawen..hehe. Spot, and korang mesti sukew tauuu! :p
spot baru ade kawan lahhh... die lom kawen lagi. gaduh pun kelam kabut lagi, nih nk ngorattt...skill die tarakkk r wehhh ..hehe :p
eh die lari tgk kamu? ke die gay? ahaha. larriikk :p
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