Showing posts with label Saralogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saralogy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



"aku bersyukur kerana semalam buatkan aku terfikir" 


Sebagaimana setiap lelaki mensyaratkan wanita dengan beberapa kriteria,
sebagaimana itulah juga wanita mensyaratkan lelaki dengan beberapa ciri.

Jika wanita di sinonimkan dengan kelembutan, kepakaran memasak dan ilmu rumahtangga,
maka lelaki,
selain menjadi imam keluarga dan tanggungjawab,
aku sinonimkan juga dengan kekuatan fizikal.

tidak dinafikan
lelaki memang lagi kuat dari wanita dari segi fizikal.
nak bukak jar tomato puree yang ketat tuh pun kena panggil lelaki untuk bukak kan.
nak panjat ceiling pun, lelaki...
bila ada lipas dalam toilet pun panggil lelaki suruh halau..
jadi ada beberapa perkara yang memang perlukan lelaki untuk buat.

aku hot tadi.
sebab bila aku panggil budak lelaki form 3, 4 and 5 untuk tolong angkat meja kerusi di padang untuk di simpan dalam stor,
yang terjadi ialah mereka bertempiaran lari dan menyorok sebab TAK NAK tolong.
like seriously, ko dah sunat ke belum?
aku mintak tolong angkat barang,
not menjahit or memasak or BERANAK ok.

in the end,
yang datang membantu angkat meja kerusi, payung, khemah,
ialah few students lelaki form 1 n form 2 (yang halus-halus tapi rajin)
dan students PEREMPUAN..
kalau aku jadi lelaki,
aku malu sebab tak tolong perempuan.

and sebab ini bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang patut diamalkan,
tiada budaya bantu membantu dan bekerjasama,..
(oh yes, budak lelaki yang bertempiaran lari tuh students asrama)
maka memang aku tak lepaskan diorang neh.
after kemas-kemas padang, time dinner kat dining hall,
diorang dapat ceramah free kat dewan makan depan orang ramai, depan girls.
tau pulak malu..xde pulak nak lari2 menyorok kann...

yes, to all boys or guys out there..
anda memiliki kelebihan dari segi kekuatan fizikal lebih dari wanita...
jadi bantulah wanita sedayanya...
(bawa hangbag, pegang bag shopping, dukung anak, tolak troley pon boleyyy)

p/s: may tonight and tomorrow be productive, insya ALLAH :)

Sunday, April 01, 2012

awak penuh dengan keketaman!


I am glad and grateful that Mom is with me for this whole week. :)


it's been such a loong week and tiring one too.

ive been quite mad at some people or things lately.
mostly because : 
-people took things lightly
-easier said than done.

also, coz my freaking slow internet connection.

and i found that juggling few things at one time is very challenging and demanding.
It demands lots of sacrifices.
Time, sleep, money and ENERGY.



it has been my dream since past few years to be a person who manages time well...
I confess...
I have time management issue.
I do my works, I finish all my works, but most of the time, at eleventh hour.
and it pains me a lot.
torture me mentally and physically.
i have surveyed and searched supplements for  "anti-procrastination" and "time management booster" but NONE could be found.
So yes, people said that confession, admitting that you have the problem is the first step..
and then what?

 this is a happy shot. but i dont feel like jumping or smiling widely now.

p/s: taking one step at a time. I hope i could take a bigger step boldly.

Thursday, March 15, 2012



"I am grateful that i am healthy" 


I feel like a NERD.
but a fake one.
a true NERD wont be 'red herring' too much.

and found this on Twitter;

Sleep + Social life = Bad grades.  
Good grades + Sleep = No social life.  
Good grades + Social life = No sleep.

So they say choose either two : Sleep, Good Grades or Social life.

i want all; GOOD GRADES, beauty SLEEP, and SOCIAL LIFE.
greedy. dont care.


p/s: Sara is a hardworking person. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fun: We are Young feat Janelle Monae is a cool song :D


"I am grateful that the test was postponed.."


few udaptes:

1) I went to Sri  Manjung's Stadium for three days and two nights. I was there to bring the students, be the 'baby sitter' and also the 'Pegawai Sukan'. It was ok. not that much fun under the hot n rainy weather. but there, i met few more teachers and be really close with some. I also met my junior. I learnt few techniques and rules for certain games and of course, i could mark Manjung as one of the places that ive been to..haha.

and I also learnt few things bout my students. I lived with them under the same roof for three days. So:
- they are bunch of energetic kiddos who really love VANILLA COKLAT's drama (and got emo bout it).  
- They sang along to Malay songs but when my car's MP3 played English songs, they just  listened to my awesome singing listened to 'em.
-and many more ah..

2) ok, i kinda embarrassed to mention this but confession ; Today, is officially my first time, that i drove on highway. 

3)  As I was away to Manjung for 3 days and got back to SP at 8plus night on Thurdays, I coulndt find the time to do revision for my test on Friday (next day) [err...excuses right??..]. So I was worried. but... something good happened today. There were a few new students came into the class. So the test was postponed. Upon hearing that, I couldnt thank ALLAH enough. Alhamdulillah...

4)  I still have heaps of things to do and many papers plus essays to mark. But, I dont know how to procrastinate procrastination. 

5) I wish my holidays wont be miserable. and by miserable i mean, wasted. i hope i could finish my works earlier and complete everything. and I am kinda nervous about few things too. I pray that HE will guide me through all of these. 

p/s: When people notice things bout you, and say that you are being missed, it was good right? .. ok, mak cik kantin and my students said so. 
pps: CONGRATULATIONS sis... I am truly happy for you. Love you heaps. :) 

Monday, March 05, 2012

3 days?


"Aku bersyukur coz mak and abah ada bersama semalam di kuarters :) "


Dari kelmarin lagi aku craving ayam goreng mcD. coz time tuh aku lapar n then kat fb ada pulak org letak gamba ayam goreng (ok, dulu aku craving cendol pulut coz kat fb ada org letak nama 'Cendol Pulut'.. motipp wehhh??!!)..
ok sambung..
hmm, aku prefer ayam goreng mcd from kfc. So semalam before bergerak ke SP with my parents, pergi mcd drive through dulu.

hanya untuk dikecewakan dengan ayat, " ayam goreng mcd BARU habes"...


rasa nak nangis. huhu.
Terus xde mood nak drive kereta..hehe..So beli jela burger kan.

So aku pun drive sambil nyanyi lagu " loving it!".

sampai satu tahap.
tiba2 sakit kepala, loya rasa nak muntah ok.

perut masuk angin, campur dengan jalan ke SP yg berliku-liku.. muntah lah jawabnyer.
Driver muntah. ko mampu? huhu..
Terus daddy capai steering.

sampai SP mmg aku tak larat.
syukur ada mummy yang tolong picit n urut kasi keluar angin sedawa.



Daddy found sth in my bag.
some old stuff
ahhhh...malu I >_< ...

tapi bagus jugak.
daddy turut jumpa pendrive yang selama ni aku duk cari tak jumpa2..huhu.



when daddy's around, all the electrical n mechanical stuff went better.
now i receive better TV3 signal and have other channels too!!! @__@
i can now watch ntv7, 8tv, and tv9! :)

and when mummy's around, the veranda went
all shiny and clean.

Thanks mom and dad :)


dont let me be the last to know.

Yes. no one likes that.
especially when you are closed with someone.
for sure it will hurt his/her feelings.
So if you think it is important,
make sure someone close to you knows about it.
if you have to let it be a secret for a while or maybe for some reasons, you cant tell it just yet,
make sure you have a good explanation for doing so.
coz no one likes to find out things from someone else.
a side note for myself too.

p/s: sorry for this mixed languages update.
and tomorrow i'll be driving to Manjung for olahraga.

Pray that it will be a safe driving for all of us ya. :)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

it's 3am in the morning,


"aku bersyukur kerana aku ada rakan sekerja yang aku boleh berbincang 
mengenai hal-hal agama dan lain-lain"


..... dan aku senang bercakap dengan kak Helen (wahhh...haha..bukan nama sebenar)
antara intipatinya, Apabila berdoa, memohon kepada NYA, mohon lah dengan amat sangat dan penuh keyakinan...tanpa ragu-ragu.
Yakinlah bahawa DIA maha mendengar dan akan memakbulkan doa kita.
bukannya berperasaan walaupun sedetik samada akan tercapaikah impian dan termakbulkah doa?
semasa berdoa, perlu YAKIN bahawa kita akan dapat apa yang dipohon kepada YANG MAHA ESA.
doa dengan sungguh-sungguh dan istiqamah.


p/s: weekend..

Monday, February 27, 2012

here comes the bride...da da da da.... :D


"I am grateful that I survived the first week of student's life. 
and these many questions..."


My cousin's wedding.
cant believe she's married now.
i mean, still teringat masa kecik2 main kotor, main nyorok2, tengok cite korea, etc..
... how time flies rite...

and she's super gorgeous on her big day! :)

Dayang-dayang sekalian... bermusyawarah yaww...

and of course...... the bride and bridegroom :)

it was a beautiful and fun event i must say :)

p/s: I pray to ALLAH that I wont be a procrastinator anymore..

Monday, February 20, 2012



"I am grateful that last night, the DM mak ciks made me laughed and smiled gleefully "


Quick Updates ..

1) We did a spot check last night. A thorough spot check for the boys.
Found few unrelated things at weird places. For examples, sugar n sport shoes placed at the same compartment..
I mean, dudes, you still use the sugar?? huhu
and some weird 'arts' on the locker and bunks that they did not feel bad showing them to me.
Other things, let me keep em to myself.

2) And this one boy.. i think he probably too bored and got nothing fun to do that he decided to throw someone's underwear on the dining hall's floor. Yes.. and the chief warden asked him to take that piece of clothing and circle the hall. The other boys then called him "Spender Boy" (and that part was funny). 
But seriously, how could they not feel embarrassed? tell me..huhu 

3) I feel like quitting so many things of different subject matters.
But that would be too dramatic.. 
and being dramatic often leads to tears.
and that, we should avoid ladies and gentlemen.

p/s:  "You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile" (quote).

Friday, February 17, 2012



"I am grateful that I didn't have to drive alone last night. 
It would be super scary and dangerous"


a) CIK
I hate, YES i HATE... if my weekend is being taken away from me.
Especially if the thing is not supposedly to be my responsibility.
I gave my best and full commitment from Mon till Fri. 
I only met my parents twice a month- or less (yes, im comparing myself with the other colleagues at my workplace..cant help)
Still, they want to steal my precious FAMILY time.
When I ask, "why teachers who are supposedly in charged in this *&^%$ activity are not involved?"
a simpilly (simple+silly) answer is : maybe coz your name got "Cik" kottt. 
alahaiiii kak limah abang leman oiiiiiiiiiiii !!!..

they had these 3 in 1 meeting dreaded till 6pm yesterday.
and i was elected as the Lestari (School Recycling Project) secretary.
and MC for PIBG's meeting..
and sadly, I wasnt there for the GREAT news.

c) PROTON city

I am grateful that i am not alone yesterday. It would be tiring if I need to drive and be in a place where i have no vast ideas about as a lone pink power ranger. I could do that but driving back home at such quiet place, on dark narrow road,  and feeling exhausted would be so dangerous. So im glad that I have a best friend whom actually is really helpful. 

the whole process of reg went smooth, Alhamdulillah. it is just that i felt a lil bit emotional inside as i dont have my besties around. We always have this kinda journey together.
Singing the uni's song definitely brought back the memory of how i met one of my sisters, Gedeputz.
and it is kinda weird to be a student and teach students too. hehe.

I dont know whether to be happy or not. (im actually more to nervous).
From my first impression and other's perception plus experiences, my academic adviser is someone not to be messed around, strict and serious. 
but u know, that impression and perception might change.

I am SOOOOOO devastated to the fact that i might not be able to wear, witness and be a part of  an important occasion involving satin, lace, flowers, music, bride and bridegroom. T__T . 
I think i have taken the right action. coz i am being honest.
but i hope I have made my honesty as kind as possible.

p/s: Sometimes, in life, you want to put a comma, an exclamation mark, caps lock everything and so on. But at times, you just don't want to put a full stop.

Monday, February 13, 2012

kene lah derrr....


"I am grateful that the electricity is back! night n day without it was hard.. 
So i should be grateful to live in a place with electricity"


ok, this so called "sarang burung" (as my brother said)
[and I am actually giving my friend something to talk about...kena bahan lah nanti derrr..
tapi bahan dari kijal aku leyh handle lagikkk...=p]

ok, ignore the pose whatsoever. but do tell me, i dont look like bird's nest..
kalau ya sekalipun, let it be peacock's nest... motipp peacock???

p/s: and i learn that sometimes, statement could easily be misunderstood. So careful.

Sunday, February 12, 2012



"I am grateful that I had a good laugh with my students last evening 
(and know bit more bout their personal life)" 


if I want to ask for opinion, my lil bro is definitely the last person i would ask..
but of course, when there's no one else,
i would have to ask for his.

why did i say so?

coz whenever i bought some new clothes, stuff etc, i would wear them or show em to him (of course, who else right, i dont have a sis). Then i would excitedly ask, "arent they pretty???!!"

he would nod...
annoyingly, without even looking!!!!

(but different case with my elder bro who would say, 
"ok lah, kena..." 
then when i said, "ok eh? kena lah?" ...
he would continue with, "kena.. kena gelak!!..gagaga" 
I bet, he must think it was funny)..

but the thing with my lil bro is,
he has this kinda drastic respond/comment whenever he sees sth.

for example, you now how nowadays ladies have different styles of wearing head scarves, etc.
so my bro, he has this kinda name for each fashion.

once, at Jusco when we were eating and observing people, he mentioned a few styles, 
known as "Sotong", "sarang labah-labah" and "pesawah".

and this one fine day, when i was about to meet him somewhere, he saw me and laughed.
he said two words, "sarang burung".

I was like "pfffttt.." (and laughing)

See, he is like that,
if you asks for his opinion for some light things, he would just say "ok" without even looking.
but when you least expected it, he would say the darnest thing.

Still, I love and miss him.

p/s: next week probably gonna be a lil bit hectic.

Friday, January 27, 2012



I taught my students a poem, "He Had Such Quiet Eyes". Showed pics of handsome guys with great 'quiet eyes'.. the girls went "awwwwww...jatuh cinta!". and the boys just looking at them with this one "WTH" look.

after the lesson, moral values and everything, i asked if they have any questions.
then a boy raised his hand
and asked, "teacher, teacher ada boyfriend?"...



it just pathetic when you were caught on national radio or tv, red-handed.

so in this *** FM (radio), they aired the 'panggilan hangit'.

so the DJ, called this lady to complain bout a beauty product used by his wife. His wife bought the product from the lady. long story short, wifey's face became worse, with rashes and kinda burnt.

so in the phone call, the husband (DJ) kinda hitting on the lady. suddenly using "I-You", asking the lady to call him "abang" and of course, asking her out.


the lady layannnnn baekkkk punya ok.
she actually agreed to go out with him
and when the husband mentioned that he is still young, around 30s and his wife is older than him, the lady actually made an offensive comment saying that, "oo, no wonder she looks old".. LIKE, omg!

so lastly, of course, she was told that it was panggilan hangit.

i cant imagine lah why this girl (oh, she's single) agreed to go out with someone's husband. well, at least, if it is urgent, asked him to bring his wife as well then.

seriously... the guy is married and she knew it.
soooo???? duk menggatal ngan laki orang kenapa wehhh...

and of course, when it is aired on national radio, the humiliation is doubled.
serve her right i guess..

p/s: Pray for blessed and blissful relationships (yes, all sorts)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Pernah tak kau rasa,
tanpa sebab kukuh,
kau rasa nak menangis?
(ok, angkat tangannn)

seriously tadi, pas meeting
aku rasa nak menangis
tetibe rasa sedih, sayu, muak, loya, letih, rindu, semua lah wehhh..

and aku tau,
kalau aku tetibe je sedih
i will hug someone.
but of course, i cant just hug some random people here.

So, aku akan drive.
dengar lagu and drive sama ada 60km/h or 110km/hour.

and, aku akan beli sesuatu.
apa-apa je.
asalkan aku beli sth.

disebabkan aku kat SP
aku hanya beli makanan je.

dan bila sampai waktu,
aku akan balik.


aku dengar 2 buah lagu kat sekolah tadi..
dedua nya student yang nyanyi

lagu 1 : Time aku lalu sebelah kelas form 4 neh, berkumandang satu lagu dari student kat muka pintu kelas die, "it was a beautiful nighttt..... Oh, baby! i think i wanna marry you..." (Bruno Mars, Marry You)

Lagu 2: Time aku mengajar kat dalam kelas, aku terdengar pulak sorang budak laki neh nyanyi kat koridor dengan kuatnyer,........... "ingin..ku gigit-gigit cuping telinga kecilmu" (Aqasha, Obsesiku)

and untuk kedua2 lagu tuh,
reaction aku adalah
.......... WTHeck??

p/s: seriously aku tak leyh nak gelak langsung time meeting. Tak lawak pun?!

Monday, January 16, 2012

if words could tell nonverbal meanings


-why o why
today feels sooo short and different.

-another embarrassing day but i did get through it ! hehe

-i need to recite al-ma'thurat more often.

-need to think more seriously and be more organized.

-cant wait for FRIDAY. another 3 days to FRIDAY.
Still, it feels so long and dreadful. T__T

 i found this pic. it was from last raya. with my second cousins. i was kinda surprised that i
actually have these much girl cousins (another 5-not in pic). and of course, im the fattest. huhu

p/s: Start and stop doing things.

Saturday, January 14, 2012



Hi, just a few updates

1) i met my brother last two days,
with his funny friend who crushed at his place.
and of course, met my awesome sisters too and other fellow friends.
it was great catching up with them! :)
though it was too short! huhu

2) now, i kinda worry coz i havent sent my satin n lace to the tailor yet. They need to be a nice dress or whatsoever before 20th feb. it is for my cousin's wedding, and the satin n lace are sponsored so i need to wear them. with CNY 's coming up, im afraid that i would probably end up wearing something 'ready-made'.

3) i was impressed with my 4** class for making an effort to do their best in writing the essay though it was already late (end of school hours). they didnt just simply write but they really think and try to write longer.. however, i also kinda have a hard time with this one student, the spot-on taiko in the class. but it's alright! i'll manage that, insya ALLAH :)

4) LaDaP tomorrow. and it is actually a gotong-royong for Sekolah Lestari's project.. yeayyy!! (you wish!)

5) It is kinda weird when both happen to do the same thing at the same time.
and of course, when both are not doing it at the same time too.

p/s: as much as one's mouth is shut, others still wanna spill the beans.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

I want croissant!


~ There are a few dates that we would remember in our life.
birthdays, holidays, anniversary (of many kinds), our very first experience of things,
and of course dates of some weird experiences.

~ i cant wait to go back home.
This week, i couldnt go back home.
next week as well. then, the other next week, i probably on duty.
i know, i still, should be grateful as some might not get the chance to go back home for months right?
but, it is just that, sometimes, i want to breathe different air.
and seeing familiar faces whom i love dearly.

p/s: awk070112ward

Thursday, January 05, 2012



Aku letak perangkap lipas dan cicak kat quarters.
dah 2 minggu lebih tak berhasil walau aku dah ubah lokasi perangkap tuh.
sama ada, lipas dan cicak makin pintar bersembunyi
atau quarters aku dah bebas lipas dan cicak!!!
(yeay! haha)

semalam, aku letak kat bilik warden.
satu malam sahaja..
5 ekor lipas gemuk terperangkap..
aku rasa nak menangis kegembiraan..

and btw, tadi gotong royong kemas bilik warden.
habuk jangan cakap lah..berkilo-kilo ok habuk.
buang karpet, cabut langsir, buang katil double decker, nk buang peti ais lama yang sejak azali ada kat situ.. haih, kalau boleh nk buang semua, ganti baru..haha.

harapan aku untuk bilik warden kali ini?
supaya aku boleh tidur malam lena kat situ.
a) bersih
b) bebas lipas dan tahi cicak
c) habuk tade
d) elektrik memalam tak wat hal. (hellow, aku sorang kottt...)
e) bekalan air yang mencukupi
f) internet yang laju..
g) bumbung tak lagi terbuka dengan sendirinya.

and of course, takde budak asrama wat unnecessary drama.

p/s: LADAP pulak sabtu nehhh...huhu

Monday, January 02, 2012



Hi all...
how's your new year's eve? legend...(wait for itt...wait for ittt...).. dary ???
haha..hopefully everyone started their new year with something beneficial yaww!

Last few days, it was Basu's birthday.
and today, it is Abah's birthday!
i made sausage bread for daddy. i just baked brownies last few days, so no more cake today k!

i always wanted to say something bout daddy.
and i guess his birthday is THE day to do so.

5 random things bout daddy :
a) He never complains bout food. I mean, food that mom n me prepared. NEVER ok. If he likes it, he would eat more but if he doesnt quite like it, he would eat less. as simple as that! :)
b) He never hit me or my mom or my brothers. Seriously, i couldnt recall any event of him slapping, pinching, hitting or canning me. BUT... he educates me through examples and words, advices.. through kind words. I admit, i dont quite like to be nagged or scolded (omg, do u like it?? haha). I could accept advices and could cry when listening to them. coz they might touch my heart. and when daddy wants to talk bout something serious, he would wait for the right moment (eyes to eyes moment) and talk bout it... and you'll know that it is serious, when he uses English to explain or advise. i call it as the daddy-me awkward moment. huhu...
c) He trusts me to do things. ahaha. like, finding my own way back home in a place that im not familiar with. like seriously, sometimes i do think whether he actually worries bout me or not..why? coz he rarely calls me or texts me. like seriously, i could count the number of calls or texts he sent to me..ahaha. but, of course, i appreciate his trust and it does help me in being independent! :)
d) He listens to me more than my brothers..ahaha. bunyi macam perasan kann... but i do think so. indeed, my mom said so too! ahaha :p. 
e) Abah looks garang. with his mustache and serious face. I think, he never smiles in his passport pictures. and when I took pictures, I would sometimes, specifically ask him to smile. hahaha :p. BUT, he really has a kind and tender heart. He helps people when they are in need. He loves children (though nada grandchild yet..haha). and he knows what's the best for ones that he loves. Seriously, he thinks and he sticks to it. He is a firm decision maker. and also a wise one! :)

and coz of these and many more good qualities in him,
I love you more and more ABAH ♥ .
thank you for bringing out the best in me. 

           Happy birthday Abah


Ya Allah
Rendahkanlah suaraku bagi mereka
Perindahlah ucapanku di depan mereka
Lunakkanlah watakku terhadap mereka dan
Lembutkan hatiku untuk mereka

Ya Allah,
Berilah mereka balasan yang sebaik-baiknya, atas
didikan mereka padaku dan Pahala yang besar atas
kesayangan yang mereka limpahkan padaku,peliharalah
mereka sebagaimana mereka memeliharaku.

Ya Allah,
Apa saja gangguan yang telah mereka rasakan
atau kesusahan yang mereka deritakan kerana aku
atau hilangnya sesuatu hak mereka kerana perbuatanku
jadikanlah itu semua penyebab susutnya
dosa-dosa mereka dan bertambahnya pahala kebaikan
mereka dengan perkenan-Mu ya Allah
hanya Engkaulah yang berhak membalas kejahatan dengan
kebaikan berlipat ganda.

Ya Allah,
Bila magfirah-Mu telah mencapai mereka sebelumku,
Izinkanlah mereka memberi syafa'at untukku.
Tetapi jika sebaliknya, maka izinkanlah aku memberi
syafa'at untuk mereka,sehingga kami semua berkumpul
bersama dengan santunan-Mu di tempat kediaman
yang dinaungi kemulian-Mu, ampunan-Mu serta rahmat-Mu... .

Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang memiliki Kurnia Maha
Agung, serta anugerah yang tak berakhir dan Engkaulah
yang Maha Pengasih diantara semua pengasih.

Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.. 



p/s: Thank you ALLAH for my parents.:)

Saturday, December 31, 2011



My youngest bro, he loves cat soooo much.
i think probably more than he loves me.
when he was little, he always brought home some random cats that he found somewhere.
and when he grew up, he would give food to stray cats and help cats to cross the road.
and when he was sad, he would go to the wet market and observed cats there. *sigh
and of course, whenever he called me, he would ask bout our cats (apparently, not so much bout me ok)

So this one day, i read something from a cat-lover fb page. and of course, i decided to share it with my brother.

The conversation went like this : -
(and u need to read what i forwarded to him in order to understand his reply)

    :   Mak mertua PH pesan, kalau kita jumpa kucing dan sebelom nak pegang atau nak bawa balik ke rumah perhatikan dulu matanya samada berkelip atau tidak, kalau matanya berkelip-kelip boleh lah teruskan hajat anda jika tidak berkelip dan ianya terbuntang sahaja, PH nasehatkan supaya lepaskan dia dan bacalah doa banyak2 sebelum pulang ke rumah, kemungkinan besar ianya bukan kucing mungkin ianya makhluk Allah yang lain. 

and of course, his reply  :- 

: Mak Mertua oh Mak Mertua, kalau matanya tidak berkelip dan ianya terbuntang sahaja, kenalah kita tanamkn kucing tu.

ko mampu???!

p/s: tomorrow's 2012 uols :p

Sunday, December 25, 2011

baby baby baby, oooooohhh


Looking at pictures when we were babies, makes us realize many things.
One of them is how time flies so fast, that now, you could only say, "oh, how i wish i am still that cute"..haha.
and of course, it makes us more grateful to ALLAH SWT for the years we have been given to grow up, to learn things and to be a person we are now, or a better person, insya ALLAH.
Also, to be thankful to our parents, for all the sacrifices that they have made for us.

So yeah, I have these few pics of us, me and my siblings, when we were babies.
Pick a guess, which of these 5 babies, is a babe? eh? ahaha.

 baby 1

 baby 2

 baby 3

 baby 4

 baby 5

Your guess? :)

p/s:  Guessing is a pretty serious game coz you dont know the correct amount of certainty in it.


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