Wednesday, July 11, 2012

wordless wednesday


p/s: open burning. choking!

Sunday, July 08, 2012



"Glad ladap went ok (not that boring lah..)"  


Fantasy is fun but we live in reality.
It's not perfect but it doesn't mean it cant be pretty good.
(Ugly Betty)

p/s: Cant wait for next Friday dah..

Monday, July 02, 2012

as simple as making a cuppa tea


Self Reminder: "Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain)"  (Ash-syarh 94:7)


Few Updates:

I watched final EURO Spain vs Italy last night (morning?).
It was the only match that i fully watched (without being sleepy n without my family+ friends around).
and congratz Spain! seriously, they controlled the whole game.
4-0, man! that's a new record for EURO.

and in the staffroom just now,
we all heard loud snores from the male teachers' side.
yeah, talking bout EURO...


and i expected this.
people gave a few comments bout me, painting henna on my nails.
that kinda looks from my students, especially.
who were really curious and asked me with serious tone,
whether my weekend was more than just a weekend.


When people tell you something,
you dont swallow everything that they say,
you filter them..
like tea..
it is just that, if you take everything,
if you trust every single word, 
it would be too much and might be frustrating.
sometimes people just don't mean everything that they say.
both in positive and negative ways.
too much sugar, or too much water gonna make tea no better.

p/s: Tonight, we gonna run a spot check. I would at least, want to hunt 2 handphones.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

without supervision


"love the jubah and henna tubes.."


too sleepy and kinda tired while driving just now.
ive tried almost all positions possible in the car just to avoid myself from being more sleepy.
from stretching to sitting up straight,
to putting my chin on the steering wheel (at traffic light) to singing out loud like a diva,
and to opening the windows and feeling the breeze (smoke) touching my skin.
still, sleepy.

stopped and drank nescafe.

continued driving.

ahh... called my friend and talked.

-problem solved-

p/s: when u let someone be too 'independent', u'd be surprised to wat u could be losing.

Tiz and The A-Team (selena gomez cover)


"Glad that Gabby is healthy again! Alhamdulillah!"


Read a few comments on fb n twitter bout Tiz's beautiful voice singing Butterfly.
So i listened to it myself.
and stumbled upon to this video:

Tiz and The A-Team (selena gomez cover)


the original version is way better. 

but this one is fun to watch. 

tiz n aqasha should do a duet (Aqasha tagged along at min 2.56).. 

nice combo of voice. :)

p/s: bila agaknya aku boleh main gitar like that? lol

Thursday, June 28, 2012



"Syukur, it's Thursday already :)"

few unimportant updates :

-ada sorang kakak kat skolah aku neh. first time aku tengok die, ingat bujang lagi.
rupanya dah kawin dua anak. tpi seriously die cantik, cute and bubbly.
suka tengok dia senyum, manis sekali.
and semalam, die peluk aku..
tapi, bukanlah peluk yang psiko..
just masa bersembang dengan die, ada part lawak sampai dia peluk aku.
tiada apa2 yang luar biasa, cuma sedikit terkejut jela..

potluck semalam antara potluck ter meriah di sekolah aku lah.
mana tak meriah, dah hampir setiap orang cg perempuan bawak something.
aku bawak perut kosong, dan sebekas besar triffle. 
walau rupa triffle aku tak lah secantik tuannya, eh..?hehe..
tapi rasanya sedap (lah

cg baru:
-before this, aku memang rapat ngan sorang akak ni.
but die dah transfer ke skolah baru selepas berkahwin.
So meja sebelah aku kosong.
and datanglah sorang cikgu baru..
sebaya aku. and mujurlah jenis dia tak banyak cakap sangat,
and tak pendiam sangat..hehe.
so senanglah aku nak bertepuk tampar dengan jiran kiri

- aku suka jugak tengok bola. especially kalau tengok ramai2.
but then, waktu EURO sangatlah se pertiga malam gitu kann..
so aku just dapatkan updates from member je..
and kalau game yang aku minat, barulah aku intai..
intai jela, tak tengok abes pun. lol.

p/s: TGIF tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



*Im glad that a few things bout school were done today*


lately, i kinda lost my appetite.
i ate very little and would be full after 2 or 3 spoons.
or even when i was cooking.
like this one time, i was making myself spaghetti and i was fulled when i was preparing the sauce. huhu. 
people said i should eat more. the portion and the frequency.
sometimes i have to force eating.
but dont get me wrong, i appreciate food... it is just that,
i dont have so much 'desire' to eat lately.
[but duhh.. im still 4# kgs. it didnt drop, man!]

Living life makes us treasure many things,
makes us look up to many people.
I kinda admire cool (but not ignorant) people.
We got a few teachers here, especially the male teachers who are cool,
but sadly to say, few who sometimes are ignorant.
I also love seeing how everyone has their own niche.
Like Mr. S who is dang good in organising sport's events.
or Pn. H who is exceptionally good in initiating fund raising (aka ceti) and buying presents,
Mr H who's the expert in making jokes and handling events,
Pn M who is very loud and yes, even the male teachers are afraid to mess around with her.
and of course, our discipline teacher, Mr Y who i would say, coolawsome..
yes, cool and awesome in handling notorious students with papers, voice, hands and scissors.
and oh yes!! Miss S who is good in everything. lol

man, i couldnt really come out with even one convincing niche of mine!

but! im not that terrible at this (syok sendiri); 
so as my sibs cynically say lah uols...

p/s: the beginning of sore throat.

Sunday, June 17, 2012



"Ya ALLAH, redhai dan berkati lah hidup ibu ku dan bapaku..
Berikanlah mereka kebahagian yang berkekalan..Ameen"


Setiap kali,
kena beringat,
supaya tak terlupa.
Supaya tahu yang antara depan dan belakang,
ada bezanya.
Antara semalam dan esok,
ada rahsianya.
dan antara sana dan sini,
tak tentu jarak ukurannya.
Nampak dekat di mata kasar,
tapi mungkin sedikitpun tak rapat di mata hati.

p/s: sedikit kabur.

Saturday, June 16, 2012



"and this is just another challenge".


So far, it only happened once, until today.
For the second time, I experienced such furious to the point that
my breathing became faster, my hands trembled, my voice turned shaky
and worse, I nearly cried.

So I stopped everything.
I recited few lines of Lord's words,
I stopped talking, I sat and I tried again and again not to cry.
Not there, at least.

and I could say that Alhamdulillah,
I did a pretty good job at handling my own emotion.
No skin contact, no abusive words, not a single drop of tear.

But I wish this kinda thing wont happen again.
I just love my self, my health so much,
that i couldnt afford to have my heart beats faster unnecessarily.

p/s: People should know that what's done cannot be easily undone.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Anak Kampung (Lirik feat One Nation Emcees-Jimmy Palikat)


"Im glad that a week has passed and I could hug my parents :)"


This is my 3C's favourite song (the boys).
Once one boy started singing the chorus,
the rest would continue singing it like it's a music class (ok, exaggerating).
but seriously, they like to sing.
How i wish they could understand the lyrics too.
how 'anak kampung' like them, should emphasize on the importance of education, breaking the circle of kampung life that they're so comfortable with, having a good job and yeah, ignore the wooing part :p 

YOUTUBE: Anak Kampung (Lirik feat One Nation Emcees-Jimmy Palikat)

Memang aku ini anak orang miskin
Tiada apa-apa yang dapatku berikan
Engkau memang cantik
Memang tidak padan dan tidak sepadan

Aku anak kampung tiada pelajaran
Kuli – kuli sahaja memang tidak padan
Cute bah kau itu
Ramai yang tergoda lagi yang jelita


Tiada keretaku bawa kau jalan-jalan
Rumahku pun tiada adapun bapa punya
Apa lagi belanja mau bayar berian
Kahwin sama kamu
Bukannya ku tidak suka sama kamu
Tapi aku takut hidup kau kan sengsara
Kerna aku cinta aku lepaskan kau sama org lain

Kita masih muda masih ada masa
Janganlah kau cari gadis macam saya

Engkau memang cantik

Gadis, Jejaka: Nanti kau menyesal tiada guna

Anak kampung ku anak kampung
Tidak padan tidak sepadan


Hey si gadis yang manis
Ku simpan duit sampai perut kempis
Kalau dah cukup kita renjis-renjis
Jangan kau nangis menu kita ikan bilis

Sia sanggup buat apa saja
Siang malam overtime kerja
Laman facebook nda sempat buka
Ndamau kau sedih dan kecewa

Jangan kau sedih sabar kau gia
Nanti kereta,rumah , ku buat kau bahagia
Bukan undur diri belum bersedia
Kau tunggu saja odooii giaaa

p/s: betul, jangan berlebih dalam segala hal.



 "I am grateful and proud of myself. i could actually stay calm and compose myself, 
though it would be so easy for me to cry at that moment".


You know,
sometimes, when we have questions in mind,
we don't really ask...
we think...think and think...
and cause of that,
we got many kind of answers, thoughts, assumptions and worries.

and that, my friends,
are not awesome and always, uncertain.

p/s: not comfortable in my own pants.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012



Alhamdulillah upon the great news, bro ! :)


of my 2 weeks holidays

the first week of my holidays was filled with words, notes, books, and revision.
i got assignments and finals.
i got sleepless nights and driving like a maniac.
im glad that that was over (so far) :)

haih... terbalik pulak pic. malas nk betulkan. but this one was taken at 730am. 
I was in the library, an early bird, waiting for my exam that's gonna start at 9am! @__@

and my second week of holidays was for chilling out.
it wasnt something unusual. i did common usual things.
nothing big like overseas' trip or hunting or camping, etc.
i went for swimming (though i had to admit, i didnt really swim >_<),
eating, outing, shopping with my girlfriend, F,
and of course, meeting my buddies, EpeF and DianaK! :)
they were all common but AWESOME.

oh after 5months. :)

but i did kinda regret that i couldnt attend my friends' weddings coz of the overlapped date
and tests, etc. But BIG congratulations to em all of course! :)

p/s: still, couldnt really relate, how one could be such a bee that not a single minute in his/her life could be spent on a simple thing like..........
and how a thought, could be such a huge barrier for a telepathy to work on. 

Friday, June 08, 2012



 "im glad that we girls could actually get along together"


im kinda angry right now.
but not totally angry.
and i dont know what's the other half is...

p/s: it's Saturday tomorrow... a week has passed just like that.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012



Last Sunday,

I was driving from ipoh at 615 am, heading to Tg Malim for a test that's gonna start at 9am.
I could be reaching there by 745am. it was still early but i didnt wanna take a risk of speeding at 140-160km/h to be on time (like last Friday. It was totally unexpected. a lorry was upside down and caused traffic jam. i hope the driver was ok).

So yes, driving early morning, on highway, turning on and it played "Umbrella".

I felt like i was heading to Kajang.
Sooooo, School-Based Experience moment!

Same situation, same time, same song,
just a slight difference in year, with incomplete passengers.

this aint the SBE i was talking bout. i just didnt have the Kajang SBE pics here. 
it must be somewhere..

p/s: swimming memang sunbathing secara tak sengaja.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012



"Im grateful that I had done marking one class. :D - another two classes"


What i did yesterday to burn the calories..

but needless to say, 
i dont like swimming with other SEA or Olympics swimmers.
If I could swim like a mermaid (motiff mermaid, bukan fish??),
it wont be that embarrassing.

p/s: i should finish marking another class today. I'll try!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

teacher busy..


"aku bersyukur kerana setiap hari, Allah bagi aku sebab untuk senyum"


kalau kau nak buat cerita sedih,
jangan lupa letak scene budak miskin yang lapar..
gunakan duit yang dia ada untuk beli nasi lemak..
sedang pegang nasi lemak, tiba-tiba dilanggar orang..
maka, punah harapan untuk makan nasi lemak...

scene sedang menunggu seseorang dari panas hingga hujan..
dan walau hujan, masih menunggu..

ok fine..
memang aku rasa kesian kat student aku..(and rasa bersalah).
semalam aku suruh dia tunggu aku pukul 2pm kat kereta aku sebab aku nak bagi dia kain minta mak dia jahitkan...
aku terlupa ok.
so tadi aku masuk kelas dia...
dia tanya dengan nada sedih, "teacher...teacher pergi mana semalam?..."
tak sempat aku jawab, dia sambung,
"saya tunggu teacher, dalam hujan..."..

ok ok fine!!
ambil tisu lap air mata sendiri,
keluarkan lolipop dari handbag kasi kat dia.

ok, tipu.
aku tak nanges, aku tak kasi dia lolipop.
tapi seriously aku rasa bersalah.

and ko boleh bayangkan tak..
kalau ko wat promise kat anak ko,
and then sebab busy kerja or balik lambat,
ko terlupa promise tu.
pastu balik kerja, ko tengok die tertidur dengan pipi basah dekat sofa ruang tamu..

ok, i should stop.
banyak sangat tengok drama.
k bye.

p/s: You should listen to Harapan and Ku Tiba by Hyper Act.. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

gotta know


" i am grateful that i have a friend who is willing to help me here (and whom im not shy to ask a favour from)".


It is good to know a few pleasant things that have been kept from you.
It is like a surprise from the past.
A nice surprise, one that could bring you smile.

Otherwise, ignorance is bliss.

p/s: half

Saturday, May 19, 2012



*I am grateful that i could get back home early today*


I woke up yesterday coz of a weird dream.
in that dream, i was ..... (too weird to share)
hence, my supposedly beauty sleep had turned out to be Beauty's nightmare (hehe).

Nothing funinteresting at school.
I was rushing as usual when it came to the end of the school hours.
Of course i need to rush.
if I did not, I would have to drive for more than 140km/hour consistently..
and coz of rushiting (purposely spelt as it is), I forgot to bring my record book to the office.
Thus, I made a trip back to the staffroom. mind you, our staffroom and office is like Perlis and Sabah.
*Catwalk macam model tak tahan ke bilik air..-_-

 from google image

and my journey to TM (Tg Malim) was so melancholy.
I felt sad, oh my, i did cry while driving (but not weeping kinda cry lah)
i felt unhappy and i actually felt like i dont wanna drive!!!
i wanted to stop and then wishing that i would be at TM somehow.
mengada weh.
I blame it 1/4 to myself but the rest is Mr Moo DeSwing and Mrs Hormes' fault.
it is good to be a girl where you could put the blame on the body, not on the person :p
it is just that, i wish i could hug my besties at that moment. that would be a big relieve (yes, hug could do wonders)

 from google image

everything bout the classes was normal.
I was sleepy and my attention span was decreasing at the 2nd hour,
hence i played with my phone, twitting and eating (managed to smuggle and eat a packet of bun and crackers)
 from google image

and I was very sleepy during the night class despite the presence of a beautiful lecturer.
my eyes were like red, watery and forced to focus while i felt my head and shoulders started to lean on the table. 
man!!! it was just 930pm.
now im the makcik makcik yang tido awal, bangun awal, -__-

 from google image

That night, i couldnt really sleep though i was tired and yawning like there's no tomorrow.

  from google image

p/s: aku dapat merasakan yang badan aku semakin gemuk. perut dah macam jangkit member aku yang preggy. muka pulak macam Cg H yang ada double chin, pipi tembam tu. ok nanges T__T

Thursday, May 17, 2012

mid may


"I had another meeting. Im not the type of person who is fond of meeting. but yesterday and today's meeting were quite nice. mayb coz of the people in the meeting are so far, awesome :).. Alhamdulillah.."


ada seekor kucing datang tadi.
sekali pandang, tak terus jatuh hati..
tapi bila dia datang dekat,
sapa kita,
pandang kita,
masih lagi ulang yang sama walau kita halau,
walau kita jauh...
akhirnya, kita capai dia,
bawa dekat ke hati, dakap erat.
tak mahu lepas.

bawa pulang, mula sayang.
tapi masih terbayang,
kalau mak tak suka, macam mana, sayang?
kalau pula bila suka,
dia pula pergi jauh dari kita,
tinggal sayang, tinggal luka,
pupuk derita.

tak mengapa,

mereka kata,
sayang pada kucing itu pahala.
tapi berpada.
jangan sampai suatu masa,
berendam air mata.

google image

p/s: it is Thursday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I dont know how far...


"I am grateful that mom, dad and bro were here last night :) "


My weekend (T__T) 



T___T 1: I left my car at the hostel for the weekend (3 nights, 2 days) coz I carpooled with my friend to Tg Malim. and when i arrived at the hostel on Sunday night to take my car, I realized that my tyre's Proton logo was missing; the driver side. There were security guards, the car was in the school compound. But yes, crime happened, though not that serious. 
But man! now my car seemed like a girl wearing only one shoe, instead of two.

T___T 2: I am gonna have English panel meeting on Teachers' Day.
Meaning, i wont be able to participate in the sukaneka, etc.. T__T.
this is the only time that i could let loose, to run or cheer or yell to/with my colleagues without us looking weird....*sigh* (hey hey! ikhlas sket boleh?!)

BUT, things happen for reasons. So I should be grateful for many other happy things! :)

My weekend (^__^)   

 (^__^) 1 : yeah, this was after 6 hours of classes. and they had this Hari Belia Perak there.
                 so as the 'berwawasan' belia, I went there under the hot sun (hence my eyes) and support the program; by snapping pics (my own favourite way of showing my support..:p)


  (^__^) 2: Our very first elevator self-shot 
(beloved mommy was blocked and eldest bro wasnt there though).
and i was trying my best to fit everyone in the frame..*effort should be praised..*

(^__^) 3:  You know how i love babies. I mean, friendly babies like the one in the pic. 
Some babies just hate me. You know, they just love your phone, or necklace or handbag..
and when they are bored, I pulak nampak jahat wat die menangis.
But...this babygal just loves me! :D


 (^__^) 4: and my cousin's engagement day. Congratz D. You look gorgeous! 
  and the bottom pic, are my female relatives. except one and there's another one 
(not in the pic. eating i guess..hehe)

and what i like the most, 
My family spent their night with me at SP.. 
though it was just a short sleepover, but at least, 
i had a full house yesterday :)

p/s: tomorrow is teacher's day. and i am kinda excited bout it, though some teachers just perceive it as just another usual day. Really, would i be like that after years of teaching? huhu
pps:  it would be very surprising if Salim (not a real name) wishes me a happy Teachers' Day.

Monday, May 07, 2012

dare to open your mouth.


                                I am grateful that I had my beauty sleep last night and this afternoon..:D


I nagged to my f5 students for 5 mins.
the thing with nagging is, i like to use hyperbole.
So my f5 students, the boys are more noisy than the girls.
I have told them many times to keep quiet for a while.
yes, they listened, for LESS than a while.

so i told them,
"awak nih, bercakap banyak sangat, dengar nya tidak..
suka sangat bukak mulut..telinga awak ada dalam mulut ke?"

*bunyi unggas*

ok, another thing bout me using hyperbole when nagging is,
I tend to imagine the thing.

so yes, i did imagine that my students have an ear in their mouths...

i nearly laughed imagining that.

man, i really need to tone down my hyperbole.

p/s: i need to shop few things lah. Teluk intan, jom?! :)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

mini BSD


I am grateful that i have submitted 2 assignments last two days. 
Now, keep on praying that they are both be rewarded As :) .


it was fun (yeah, that eyes rolling kinda fun) doing assignments at eleventh hour.
i stayed up more that i slept,
i ate more than usual, at odd times,
i made my house and car messy-er,
i got myself a package of two 5kilos dark eye bags,
and exercise for my heart.
it beat faster than usual, due to coffenic (coffee+panic).

I had ALL that before these assignments, years before.
yet still, setting the due date at 11th hour. >_< (shame on you!)

but enough bout that.
now it's my mini BSD.

apparently, after the classes ended,
we had an unplanned night trip to ipoh.
my friends' car (ok, the Mommies) broke down.
Luckily my friend and i were still there.
So we headed to Ipoh in one car, my car.
Glad to be able to help them.
kinda a coincident when last 2weeks, I did owe them one actually.

and coz it is my mini BSD today,
so i really got to celebrate it.
a simple reward.
watched a movie, eating cakes, bowling, shopping (at watson)...
and now, apparently i got enough stock of facial cleanser, ..for like 5 months kot.
and i told that to my friend, whom replied, "tapi tak lawa-lawa pun"..
ok, fine! lol

btw, DianaD* was at Aeon Ipoh to promote N*White products.
so I told my friend that Diana is like duhh...naturally white (fair) and smooth skin kottt...
they should take me as the ACTUAL user, to see the effectiveness ok.
hence the reply, "tak laku product" ..
hellowww... aku and Diana tuh macam kembar ok.

    diana lah sangatt ko kann...

p/s: tengok Battleship pun touching ( dah tengok lama, baru aku nak tengok..always like that!hihi)

Monday, April 30, 2012

super hardworking sara


"I am grateful seeing myself still at home today :)"


I have two assignments to be submitted this Friday.
None that I have started yet.
and it is Monday already. 3 days to finish both.
and both needs thorough readings ; that would consume time.
and I hope I could find time between classes, between whatever to finish em.
and with that, I shall announce that my mini BSD would be on FRIDAY itself;
4th APRIL 2012, well, after 11pm.

and that weekend, if i am not on duty at the hostel,
I would want to shop or watch movie..
kinda like a reward :p

and yes, i need your prayers and your supports, 
so that I could be super hardworking (i dont mind to be a nerd for these few days),
super genius and superb in managing time :)
love you all ! :)

p/s: I started to eat more than usual, at random time too. and that freaks my body weighing scale out. huhu  

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

mood swing swiiingg


"I am grateful that the meeting went ok, Alhamdulillah"


Tak tahulah nak dikatakan sebagai kelebihan or kekurangan..
manusia mempunyai mood yang tidak stabil.
sometimes happy, sometimes bad mood, sometimes moody, sometimes unexpected kann..
memang menambahkan warna-warni kehidupan.

a) Pagi tadi aku mengamuk kat kelas 3C.
masuk2 kelas bersepah, kerusi kelas tunggang langgang, students bercakap tak henti2,
and then sorang budak nih yang masuk lambat tadi, then sesuka hati keluar ikut pintu belakang.
memang aku panas. lepas kena jerit barulah senyap dan menulis sepanjang waktu tadi.
aku harap tak perlulah hari2 macam nih.
aku sayang diri aku, taknak darah tinggi.

b) aku terlupa nak bawa sijil choral speaking untuk disampaikan kepada students waktu perhimpunan koko tadi. So terpaksalah tunggu sebulan lagi, sampai basi barulah boleh bagi sijil kat students.. *sigh

c) mood orang memang tak boleh predict.
dan orang macam aku neh, memang treat orang lain ikut cara aku dilayan.
kalau kau layan ok, aku pun ok.
kalau kau marah-marah, aku cuba sabar..
tapi kalau kau masih tak faham bahasa, aku pun sama naik angin.

kalau kau melawak,
cakap elok2,
tanya and offer makanan untuk dibawa pulang...
small actions like that pun boleh buat orang sejuk hati kann...

and please,
tolonglah beri sokongan dan bukannya kata-kata yang buat orang sakit hati atau sedih.

d) Lastly, aku sayang semua orang.

ko tak reti berenang tapi overr

p/s: sekarang semakin tiada motif untuk bergembira bergambar. 

Monday, April 23, 2012



 "I am grateful that so far things about Choral Speaking went ok"


I cant deny that i always have this first impression towards people.
and sometimes, without any reason, I could just like or do not like the person coz of my first impression.
Like how i used to dislike this one fella without any good reason.
I just felt like loosening my shoes and threw 'em at him.
yes, that kind of impression.
but of course i didn't do that.
and it is just hard for me to change my perceptions.
harder when my first impression is usually untrue.


Title always comes with responsibilities.
Like when you are an ustaz, people expect you to behave piously,
Like when you are a Dato', people expect you to contribute more,
and like when you are a hot gorgeous Miss, people expect you to be athletic, robotic, have nothing to do and free from responsibilities.
Hence, all the 'dirty', weekend jobs are all yours.
Yeayyyy!!! [ya righttt]
Waahhh, it is good to live in a comfort zone then.
Just get married, have children asap.

 so I have children theseeeee many! can i avoid my school responsibility now?

p/s: dont get me wrong. everyone has his/her own responsibilities. so it is not our right to judge how small or big one's burden is and use it as an excuse. if everyone does his/her own job, then everything is settled. yes, apa yang penting?? kerjaaaa sama!    

Saturday, April 21, 2012

of a night


I am grateful that even for just one night, i felt like a girl with lots of protective sisters :)
(ahh...sometimes it does feel good being among the youngest :p )


I just could not wait for Saturday this week.
even i haven't completed my assignments, 
i could just ignore that coz i am eager to go out from school and back home.
there are some faces places and parts of the school that bring me gloom,
(not that i dont like my school. i like it. but of course, sometimes, stress builds up, etc)
so i need new air. like literally.


1) Evening Class

it was just u know, both fun and weird, 
seeing how our strict and serious prof suddenly smiled a lot, 
laughed more and granted our assignment extension. (Alhamdulillah)
and i wonder, is that how my students felt too? :p

2) Night Class

from google image

Now we could see our Dr's teeth.
yes, she let her self loose lil bit more tonight.
She is strict too. in terms of everything.
(and that's actually a compliment. it requires lots of self disciplined to be strict u know!)
an Oxford graduate, man.
but i like her style. it is original.

3) about course mates

you know, how as teachers, 
you could spot the jokers, the sweethearts, the troublemakers, etc in your class - right on!
and as students too, 
we could not help but have those first impression right.
so we kinda label people ; 

the popular group  (the cheerleaders)
funny   (the jokers)
nerds   (the geeks)
blur   (the ha, whhaatt??)
followers   (the yes, ok)
and so on.
 you know, it is like Glee in real life!

and truthfully,
few others and I kinda have this non pleasant perception towards this loud group.
whom you know, when they come, 
the room would be loud. haha.

they are actually ones whom really good at persuading.
for extension, replacement classes and so on. 
so i like them once for that. 

i like them more,
when they actually show their protectiveness and concern.
like seriously, wow, they are THAT caring towards myself.
(ok, the fact that i had to drive alone at 11pm from tg malim to ipoh really brings out people's concern though i didnt mind actually)
so yes, they wanted and actually forced someone to accompany me to ipoh.
and i went back to ipoh with a company. lol.

and now, i have new perceptions on some people.
the loud group now would be the loudring (loud+caring) mommies group :D

p/s: what my friend told me last night: "if you miss someone, that someone actually misses you too."
that was a doubtful and emotion-bias statement actually. lol

Thursday, April 19, 2012

urat kentutz


i am grateful that today is a holiday :) 


i admit that i dont smile a lot.
people sometimes think twice to approach me as i have this arrogant snobbish face.
but i do smile ok.
just that, i dont feel like smiling alll the time.

though i dont smile a lot, and my serious face scares people most of the time,
...i found it difficult for myself to hold my laugh.
like seriously, if it is funny,
how could you not laughing right?
plus, it is contagious! one laughter would lead to another.
once a person initiate it, it will spread!
but then, you need to consider the place and situation too right.
how could you laugh when you are performing on the stage,
how could you still laugh when someone is nagging,
how could you laugh when you are in the surau?
how could you laugh when everyone is so serious doing the Pilates?

yes, and when the situations do not permit me to laugh out loud,
i have to cover my laughter with coughs.
and i remembered my student once told me that if you hold your laugh, your 'urat kentut' will break.

and of course,
i would want to take this opportunity to wish my sister,
a very warm happy BIRTHDAY sayang!
we havent met for like... almost 3 months?
and our last meeting with the other sisters was sooo short!
we didnt even have a single drop of coffee together right!
and so you would know and for the record,
I love you, sista! muchas!
hope you are blessed with happiness; to yourself and your family.
xoxo, dearie HanisahT <3 (would be awesome to literally hug u dear)

p/s: should i go out to T.I or nay? nothing much there though.

Sunday, April 15, 2012



"I am grateful that ive gone through 2 tests and an assignment in 2 days."


i dont know that my class has a hidden security camera.
 [yeah right]

found that pic on my student's fb.
with a caption, "my pretty lovely beautiful gorgeous teacher"
(ok, in my dream!)
with a caption, "jangan ambil coklat saya!"...

p/s: dont want to wait anymore. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



"aku bersyukur kerana semalam buatkan aku terfikir" 


Sebagaimana setiap lelaki mensyaratkan wanita dengan beberapa kriteria,
sebagaimana itulah juga wanita mensyaratkan lelaki dengan beberapa ciri.

Jika wanita di sinonimkan dengan kelembutan, kepakaran memasak dan ilmu rumahtangga,
maka lelaki,
selain menjadi imam keluarga dan tanggungjawab,
aku sinonimkan juga dengan kekuatan fizikal.

tidak dinafikan
lelaki memang lagi kuat dari wanita dari segi fizikal.
nak bukak jar tomato puree yang ketat tuh pun kena panggil lelaki untuk bukak kan.
nak panjat ceiling pun, lelaki...
bila ada lipas dalam toilet pun panggil lelaki suruh halau..
jadi ada beberapa perkara yang memang perlukan lelaki untuk buat.

aku hot tadi.
sebab bila aku panggil budak lelaki form 3, 4 and 5 untuk tolong angkat meja kerusi di padang untuk di simpan dalam stor,
yang terjadi ialah mereka bertempiaran lari dan menyorok sebab TAK NAK tolong.
like seriously, ko dah sunat ke belum?
aku mintak tolong angkat barang,
not menjahit or memasak or BERANAK ok.

in the end,
yang datang membantu angkat meja kerusi, payung, khemah,
ialah few students lelaki form 1 n form 2 (yang halus-halus tapi rajin)
dan students PEREMPUAN..
kalau aku jadi lelaki,
aku malu sebab tak tolong perempuan.

and sebab ini bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang patut diamalkan,
tiada budaya bantu membantu dan bekerjasama,..
(oh yes, budak lelaki yang bertempiaran lari tuh students asrama)
maka memang aku tak lepaskan diorang neh.
after kemas-kemas padang, time dinner kat dining hall,
diorang dapat ceramah free kat dewan makan depan orang ramai, depan girls.
tau pulak malu..xde pulak nak lari2 menyorok kann...

yes, to all boys or guys out there..
anda memiliki kelebihan dari segi kekuatan fizikal lebih dari wanita...
jadi bantulah wanita sedayanya...
(bawa hangbag, pegang bag shopping, dukung anak, tolak troley pon boleyyy)

p/s: may tonight and tomorrow be productive, insya ALLAH :)

Monday, April 09, 2012

MATTER (mathics) and CHEMISTRY


"I am grateful that Ustaz helped me with the girl who fell off from the top bunk" 
[well.. hellow there ladder..]


We know how in every story, there is a sweet hello and a sad good bye.
But very often, the story in between the twos is incomplete.
Perhaps, the characters do not know how to start, 
how to elaborate...
and how to bid farewell.
A simple 'hi' might be so demanding. 
A short 'bye' might be so hard.
Maybe we should learn this in 'CHEMISTRY'.

p/s: People could make many things in life...
Ironically, it is so hard to make time for those who matter to us.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

another month for holidays


"Syukur that the JPN visit to my school went smooth."


of 1st April 2012

i like surprises but of course from people that i know.
but if the act is more towards ambush,
i think i should be equipped with weapons then.

of 2nd April 2012

the key to energy is continuation.
once you stop,
exhaustion becomes a reality.

p/s: "sesuatu yg belum halal disentuh dgn tangan, sentuhlah hatinya dgn doa :) " [quote]

Sunday, April 01, 2012

awak penuh dengan keketaman!


I am glad and grateful that Mom is with me for this whole week. :)


it's been such a loong week and tiring one too.

ive been quite mad at some people or things lately.
mostly because : 
-people took things lightly
-easier said than done.

also, coz my freaking slow internet connection.

and i found that juggling few things at one time is very challenging and demanding.
It demands lots of sacrifices.
Time, sleep, money and ENERGY.



it has been my dream since past few years to be a person who manages time well...
I confess...
I have time management issue.
I do my works, I finish all my works, but most of the time, at eleventh hour.
and it pains me a lot.
torture me mentally and physically.
i have surveyed and searched supplements for  "anti-procrastination" and "time management booster" but NONE could be found.
So yes, people said that confession, admitting that you have the problem is the first step..
and then what?

 this is a happy shot. but i dont feel like jumping or smiling widely now.

p/s: taking one step at a time. I hope i could take a bigger step boldly.

Friday, March 30, 2012



Im grateful that I have sent the letter and dont have to think much of it now. 


Sometimes we just need to buy the whole package and swallow it.
Things at times do not come as pieces of petals,
where we can choose to pick the better red bright petals and dump the wilt ones.
It is a true reality that every package has its own surprises.
And surprises sometimes can make us smile or ruin our day.
We anticipate that, and by knowing that there is always a consequence for everything,
risk for every decision,
and bless in every disguise,
maybe the right thing to do is to stop worrying and quit playing the 'what if' game.
Take action, eat, play and pray hard.
HE is always there to make sure everything is alright.

p/s: ALLAH does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

yellow flower


"I am grateful that the test (for 10%) went ok, ALHAMDULILLAH. 
Hope the marks are superb too, insya-ALLAH"


only 2 things :
1 )
I think soft spoken women are unique coz they are rare (not that im attracted to one). 
Same like gentleman-kinda guys. They are just solitary in type. 
2 )
It is just weird to know how people perceived one another....
and if there is an advice to be given,
it is just as simple as....
never underestimate people.
we don't know how much they have changed and improved.
our schemata do not say it all.
...they might surprise us.

p/s: it is approximately another two months before next holidays... T___T

Thursday, March 15, 2012



"I am grateful that i am healthy" 


I feel like a NERD.
but a fake one.
a true NERD wont be 'red herring' too much.

and found this on Twitter;

Sleep + Social life = Bad grades.  
Good grades + Sleep = No social life.  
Good grades + Social life = No sleep.

So they say choose either two : Sleep, Good Grades or Social life.

i want all; GOOD GRADES, beauty SLEEP, and SOCIAL LIFE.
greedy. dont care.


p/s: Sara is a hardworking person. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fun: We are Young feat Janelle Monae is a cool song :D


"I am grateful that the test was postponed.."


few udaptes:

1) I went to Sri  Manjung's Stadium for three days and two nights. I was there to bring the students, be the 'baby sitter' and also the 'Pegawai Sukan'. It was ok. not that much fun under the hot n rainy weather. but there, i met few more teachers and be really close with some. I also met my junior. I learnt few techniques and rules for certain games and of course, i could mark Manjung as one of the places that ive been to..haha.

and I also learnt few things bout my students. I lived with them under the same roof for three days. So:
- they are bunch of energetic kiddos who really love VANILLA COKLAT's drama (and got emo bout it).  
- They sang along to Malay songs but when my car's MP3 played English songs, they just  listened to my awesome singing listened to 'em.
-and many more ah..

2) ok, i kinda embarrassed to mention this but confession ; Today, is officially my first time, that i drove on highway. 

3)  As I was away to Manjung for 3 days and got back to SP at 8plus night on Thurdays, I coulndt find the time to do revision for my test on Friday (next day) [err...excuses right??..]. So I was worried. but... something good happened today. There were a few new students came into the class. So the test was postponed. Upon hearing that, I couldnt thank ALLAH enough. Alhamdulillah...

4)  I still have heaps of things to do and many papers plus essays to mark. But, I dont know how to procrastinate procrastination. 

5) I wish my holidays wont be miserable. and by miserable i mean, wasted. i hope i could finish my works earlier and complete everything. and I am kinda nervous about few things too. I pray that HE will guide me through all of these. 

p/s: When people notice things bout you, and say that you are being missed, it was good right? .. ok, mak cik kantin and my students said so. 
pps: CONGRATULATIONS sis... I am truly happy for you. Love you heaps. :) 

Monday, March 05, 2012

3 days?


"Aku bersyukur coz mak and abah ada bersama semalam di kuarters :) "


Dari kelmarin lagi aku craving ayam goreng mcD. coz time tuh aku lapar n then kat fb ada pulak org letak gamba ayam goreng (ok, dulu aku craving cendol pulut coz kat fb ada org letak nama 'Cendol Pulut'.. motipp wehhh??!!)..
ok sambung..
hmm, aku prefer ayam goreng mcd from kfc. So semalam before bergerak ke SP with my parents, pergi mcd drive through dulu.

hanya untuk dikecewakan dengan ayat, " ayam goreng mcd BARU habes"...


rasa nak nangis. huhu.
Terus xde mood nak drive kereta..hehe..So beli jela burger kan.

So aku pun drive sambil nyanyi lagu " loving it!".

sampai satu tahap.
tiba2 sakit kepala, loya rasa nak muntah ok.

perut masuk angin, campur dengan jalan ke SP yg berliku-liku.. muntah lah jawabnyer.
Driver muntah. ko mampu? huhu..
Terus daddy capai steering.

sampai SP mmg aku tak larat.
syukur ada mummy yang tolong picit n urut kasi keluar angin sedawa.



Daddy found sth in my bag.
some old stuff
ahhhh...malu I >_< ...

tapi bagus jugak.
daddy turut jumpa pendrive yang selama ni aku duk cari tak jumpa2..huhu.



when daddy's around, all the electrical n mechanical stuff went better.
now i receive better TV3 signal and have other channels too!!! @__@
i can now watch ntv7, 8tv, and tv9! :)

and when mummy's around, the veranda went
all shiny and clean.

Thanks mom and dad :)


dont let me be the last to know.

Yes. no one likes that.
especially when you are closed with someone.
for sure it will hurt his/her feelings.
So if you think it is important,
make sure someone close to you knows about it.
if you have to let it be a secret for a while or maybe for some reasons, you cant tell it just yet,
make sure you have a good explanation for doing so.
coz no one likes to find out things from someone else.
a side note for myself too.

p/s: sorry for this mixed languages update.
and tomorrow i'll be driving to Manjung for olahraga.

Pray that it will be a safe driving for all of us ya. :)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

it's 3am in the morning,


"aku bersyukur kerana aku ada rakan sekerja yang aku boleh berbincang 
mengenai hal-hal agama dan lain-lain"


..... dan aku senang bercakap dengan kak Helen (wahhh...haha..bukan nama sebenar)
antara intipatinya, Apabila berdoa, memohon kepada NYA, mohon lah dengan amat sangat dan penuh keyakinan...tanpa ragu-ragu.
Yakinlah bahawa DIA maha mendengar dan akan memakbulkan doa kita.
bukannya berperasaan walaupun sedetik samada akan tercapaikah impian dan termakbulkah doa?
semasa berdoa, perlu YAKIN bahawa kita akan dapat apa yang dipohon kepada YANG MAHA ESA.
doa dengan sungguh-sungguh dan istiqamah.


p/s: weekend..

Monday, February 27, 2012

here comes the bride...da da da da.... :D


"I am grateful that I survived the first week of student's life. 
and these many questions..."


My cousin's wedding.
cant believe she's married now.
i mean, still teringat masa kecik2 main kotor, main nyorok2, tengok cite korea, etc..
... how time flies rite...

and she's super gorgeous on her big day! :)

Dayang-dayang sekalian... bermusyawarah yaww...

and of course...... the bride and bridegroom :)

it was a beautiful and fun event i must say :)

p/s: I pray to ALLAH that I wont be a procrastinator anymore..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

selena lopez


"Aku bersyukur kerana dengan izin ALLAH, semalam, Ustaz dan Has*** tolong aku yang sekali lagi terkunci. Tapi kali ni di luar rumah pulak.. kul 11 malam..huhu"


ASP (aksi student pelik)

kes 1:
aku ada beberapa marker pen yg baru refill. so dakwat die ala2 cair and menitik2 bila penutup dibuka.
so this one boy die guna marker pen tuh untuk tulis kat depan.. jadi menitiklah dakwat hitam kat baju dia.

aku : "eh, awak, hati2 tuh.. dah kena baju awak dah.."
W   : "kenapa teacher tak bagitau dari semalam....kan baju saya dah ada taik lalat teacher..."

hahahah.. weh..motippp kene gtau dari semalam n taik lalat???

kes 2:
aku pakai lip gloss.
dah nama lip gloss..berkilat lah kann..
so budak neh tegur, "teacher, lip gloss teacher banyak teacher..."
ok aku tak kisah...
then die sambung, "tergoda saya"...
ok... cubit.

kes 3:

budak yang sama seperti kes atas tuh.
sekali tuh, time aku mengajar, tetiba die bawak keluar paper plate, letak atas meja.
then, muncul pulak sebatang aloevera atas paper plate tuh.
bila die nampak aku pandang...
die cakap,  "jemput makan teacher..."

potpetpotpet.. (mengajar)

dah abes mengajar, budak tuh tanya aku..
"teacher, lidah buaya dalam bahasa inggeris apa?...crocodile...crocodile..lidah apa teacher?"

akhirnya dia cakap lidah buaya as "crocodile tongue".. dia kata aloevera tak logik..

kes 4:

ok..hari ni punya kelas..
aku memang tak larat.
jalan slow..
perut pinggang semua sakit.
nak berdiri dalam kelas pun macam azab.

so tibalah dua masa untuk kelas form 5 neh..
kelas form 5 neh, budak lelakinya kuat bercakap. mengalahkan perempuan.

so aku pun cakap, "awak semua neh, cakap kuat mengalahkan........"

diorang sambung "langau"

"saya sebenarnya nak cakap lebah. tak sampai hati nak samakan awak dengan langau. awak tau kan langau suka hinggap dekat apa??"

diorang jawab, "taikkk"

[ahahah.. dalam hati aku cuma nak kata sampah je.. tapi diorang sambung taik..]

and then bebelan berterusan.

"tapi, bising2 lebah pun berisi.. lebah hasilkan apa?"

"madu...." jawab mereka.

tapi, ada sorang neh dia jawab,

"bising2 berisi macam Jamil"

Jamil terpinga-pinga ok.
mmg lah die besar sket..tapi...perlu ke??? 

p/s: not ready..huhu

Monday, February 20, 2012



"I am grateful that last night, the DM mak ciks made me laughed and smiled gleefully "


Quick Updates ..

1) We did a spot check last night. A thorough spot check for the boys.
Found few unrelated things at weird places. For examples, sugar n sport shoes placed at the same compartment..
I mean, dudes, you still use the sugar?? huhu
and some weird 'arts' on the locker and bunks that they did not feel bad showing them to me.
Other things, let me keep em to myself.

2) And this one boy.. i think he probably too bored and got nothing fun to do that he decided to throw someone's underwear on the dining hall's floor. Yes.. and the chief warden asked him to take that piece of clothing and circle the hall. The other boys then called him "Spender Boy" (and that part was funny). 
But seriously, how could they not feel embarrassed? tell me..huhu 

3) I feel like quitting so many things of different subject matters.
But that would be too dramatic.. 
and being dramatic often leads to tears.
and that, we should avoid ladies and gentlemen.

p/s:  "You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile" (quote).

Sunday, February 19, 2012



"I am grateful that I met this friendly kakak at SMK *** during cross country yesterday"   
"I am grateful that im still breathing. Should be more careful when crossing the road. 
I aint stronger than a car"

Mom asked me to play "Awan Nano" mp3.
Never really listened to the song before, except on AJL.

Vid clip :

Lihat ke arah sana
Serakan warna dan berarakan
Pabila terik panas
Segera hadirnya memayungi diri
Pabila kau dahaga
Sesegera turun hujan melimpahkan kasihnya
Pabila kau katakan
Akulah awan itu yang kau mahu
Begitulah awan nano
Setia melindungi diri
Tika panas mencuba menggores pipi
Dan bibirmu
Begitulah awan nano
Sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai jejarimu
Kasih tiada banding
Setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua
Awan kekasih sebenarmu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu
Lihat diriku ini
Yang sesekali pernah kau bagaikan awan
Sehingga tak mungkin terlupa
Berikan belas sedari dulu
Sehingga tak mungkin termampu saksi
Setitis pun air matamu kasihku
Sehingga kau katakan
Akulah awan itu yang kau rindu
Akulah awanmu yang sedia
Melindungi dirimu tika panas mencuba menggores pipi
Dan bibirmu
Akulah awanmu yang sering kau rindu
Dan tak terduga hadirmu walau tak tercapai jejarimu
Kasih tiada banding setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua
Aku pelindung dirimu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu
Begitulah awan nano
Setia melindungi diri tika panas mencuba menggores pipi
Dan bibirmu
Begitulah awan nano
Sering saja tak terduga hadir
Dan tak akan tercapai jejarimu
Kasih tiada banding setia tiada tara
Bagaimanapun jua
Aku pelindung dirimu sayang
Walaupun tak akan tercapai jejarimu

 lyrics from:

Now i could understand why he won AJL.

p/s: GREY : neither fully black nor white. it is a MAYBE kinda colour.

Friday, February 17, 2012



"I am grateful that I didn't have to drive alone last night. 
It would be super scary and dangerous"


a) CIK
I hate, YES i HATE... if my weekend is being taken away from me.
Especially if the thing is not supposedly to be my responsibility.
I gave my best and full commitment from Mon till Fri. 
I only met my parents twice a month- or less (yes, im comparing myself with the other colleagues at my workplace..cant help)
Still, they want to steal my precious FAMILY time.
When I ask, "why teachers who are supposedly in charged in this *&^%$ activity are not involved?"
a simpilly (simple+silly) answer is : maybe coz your name got "Cik" kottt. 
alahaiiii kak limah abang leman oiiiiiiiiiiii !!!..

they had these 3 in 1 meeting dreaded till 6pm yesterday.
and i was elected as the Lestari (School Recycling Project) secretary.
and MC for PIBG's meeting..
and sadly, I wasnt there for the GREAT news.

c) PROTON city

I am grateful that i am not alone yesterday. It would be tiring if I need to drive and be in a place where i have no vast ideas about as a lone pink power ranger. I could do that but driving back home at such quiet place, on dark narrow road,  and feeling exhausted would be so dangerous. So im glad that I have a best friend whom actually is really helpful. 

the whole process of reg went smooth, Alhamdulillah. it is just that i felt a lil bit emotional inside as i dont have my besties around. We always have this kinda journey together.
Singing the uni's song definitely brought back the memory of how i met one of my sisters, Gedeputz.
and it is kinda weird to be a student and teach students too. hehe.

I dont know whether to be happy or not. (im actually more to nervous).
From my first impression and other's perception plus experiences, my academic adviser is someone not to be messed around, strict and serious. 
but u know, that impression and perception might change.

I am SOOOOOO devastated to the fact that i might not be able to wear, witness and be a part of  an important occasion involving satin, lace, flowers, music, bride and bridegroom. T__T . 
I think i have taken the right action. coz i am being honest.
but i hope I have made my honesty as kind as possible.

p/s: Sometimes, in life, you want to put a comma, an exclamation mark, caps lock everything and so on. But at times, you just don't want to put a full stop.


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